Finnish sauna, how it differs from the Russian bath, sauna visits, useful tips
Since ancient times, in Russia, the bathhouse was considered the main healer of all diseases, it also served as a place for important conversations and cheerful communication with friends, they gave birth to children, it was a venue for various folk rites and fortune-telling. No less revered and beloved place to visit is the bathhouse of other northern peoples. But it has a different name. To measure, the Finns bath is called a sauna. In recent decades, the sauna has become widespread in other countries. And although some people believe that the Finnish sauna and the Russian bath differ only in name, in fact there are differences between them, and quite fundamental.
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Russian bath, we are steaming correctly, useful tips for lovers of steam
Over the many centuries of the existence of the Russian bath, the almost magical procedure of cleansing and healing with the help of steam has turned into a whole science, representing a set of rules on how to steam properly and how to behave during soaring. In fact, hot air has a very powerful effect on the body, non-compliance with the rules can lead to the fact that a wonderful procedure, contrary to expectations, will harm the body.
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Broom for a bath, types, we prepare brooms for a bath, useful tips
It is customary to use a broom only in a traditional bathhouse. This custom has appeared very reasonably - being in a bathhouse where the air temperature is not too high, with the help of a broom you can make a correction of the temperature and catch it up to the highest optimal indicators, personally suitable for a particular organism.
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Shelves for a bath, options, construction technology, material for shelves
The decision to build a bathhouse on a suburban area requires an in-depth study of many issues - after all, you, your family, relatives and friends will bathe in the bathhouse, i.e. people whose health condition is very indifferent to you. Therefore, the choice of materials for its construction and interior decoration, as well as the manufacture of bath equipment should be approached with all seriousness. Since the most important room of a bath house is a steam room, in which wellness bath procedures are adopted, it makes sense to consider in more detail the options for its most comfortable arrangement.
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Bath with a veranda, options, we build a bath from a bar with our own hands
Wanting to save on the use of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe site, as well as save on construction costs when constructing such facilities as a bathhouse, barbecue, rest room, possibly even a guest house, owners often decide to build a bathhouse with a veranda and barbecue under one the roof. Of course, the construction of a multifunctional house will have a cost significantly lower than the construction of separate buildings. In addition, the thoughtful layout of such a bath house can make it a real decoration of the site, will allow owners to get additional space for a good rest with family or guests. The veranda will be very useful if the plans include the construction of a small one-story bath with a dressing room, washing and steam rooms - in this case, the veranda can be used as a full relaxation room. Depending on what seasons of the year it is planned to operate the bathhouse, the veranda can be built open, in the form of a canopy or completely closed. The veranda will have one common wall with the main building.
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Buleryan stoves for a bath, how to choose the right, useful tips
Judging by the original design of the Buleryan furnace, it can be assumed that quite experienced engineers came up with it. And the argument that this is an invention of the Canadian laborers is most likely a myth. The history of buleryan begins with Canada, where it was invented for heating cabins of forest cutters in harsh winter conditions. Correcting the operation of this unit does not require special skills. A person who has undergone initial training will fully cope with its maintenance. This type of heating device is high-tech, does not contain electrical connections (this is not unimportant when working in harsh climatic conditions) and automatic elements, its base consists of inexpensive alloys, and accordingly, its price is not high.
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Metal stoves for a bath, how to choose the right way, how to install
To achieve the most comfortable conditions for rest and recreation in your own bath with a steam room is possible only if the optimal temperature and humidity conditions are provided in the bath room. Naturally, this will require the installation of a high-quality stove in the bath house. In the old days, they usually resorted to the construction of a capital brick furnace, today more and more often preference is given to purchased or home-made metal heating units.
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Kamenka stove in a Russian bath, step-by-step laying of the stove, how to lay the stove correctly, useful tips
Depending on the owner’s preferences, the bath house can have a different architecture, it can have a different number of rooms, richer, or vice versa, a simple rustic style setting, the only thing a Russian bath can do without is a stove. It is an object of worship, the pride of the owners of the bath. Although the choice of metal heating units is very wide today, lovers of steam often prefer the classic version and build brick stoves. They help to create a special flavor in the bath house, provide it with a sufficient amount of heat and high-quality steam. Of course, the work of erecting a stove-heater for a bath is quite complex and time-consuming, requiring preliminary study and familiarization with the drawings, but armed with patience and the desire to complete it is possible with your own hands.