Iron stove or brick heater and fuels
On the plot there is a Russian bathhouse or sauna, no, this is no longer a luxury, but rather the norm! What is a Russian bath - is the smell of wormwood, aspen, linden. This is a do-it-yourself stove made from completely affordable materials. But if you do not want to bother with making the stove for the bathhouse yourself, then purchase a stove in the store. The choice is huge.
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Russian sauna
Imagine, it turns out our simple Russian word bath came from the Latin balneum, which means getting rid of pain, sadness and disease. Perhaps very accurate!
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Where to start building a bath
Construction of the bath begins with the purchase of logs for the log house. It is very important when the trees were cut down.
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The healing properties of the bath
Doctors have long studied the effect of steam on the human body and came to a simple conclusion: the bath is great! During soaring, the activity of the heart is stimulated, blood circulation is enhanced, including peripheral capillaries. There is a kind of training of the heart muscle and blood vessels. It is noted that under the influence of steam in patients with impaired blood pressure, it normalizes.
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Bath tips
Never bother with a bath, but you should not go on an empty stomach either. Optimal to eat vegetables or fruits 2 hours before the procedure.
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About bath brooms
Bath without a broom money down the drain! There is no greater pleasure in a steam room than a broom. This is for you both massage and medicine.