What can be planted in January for seedlings, what flowers to sow in January for seedlings
Owners of summer cottages who have many years of experience in self-growing seedlings are well aware that you can get high-quality planting material only in case of timely sowing of seeds and proper care of the crops. It is very important not to miss the right moment. But, as practice shows, it is not worth rushing too much. It makes sense to talk in detail about what we plant in January, i.e. First of all, which seedlings will create the least problems in the growing process.
- Seedlings in January - is it too early? video
- Lunar calendar - landing days in January
- What seedlings are planted in January, is it profitable from an economic point of view
- What flowers to plant in January for seedlings video
- Land for seedlings
- Topping seedlings, watering and other secrets of successful cultivation video
- Useful tips from experienced growers
Seedlings in January - is it too early?
To avoid mistakes, when sowing seeds early for seedlings, we recommend that you consider whether it makes sense to rush. Yes, experience shows that seeds sown in January can give excellent seedlings, seedlings obtained from them bloom early and together, they are characterized by high productivity.
But positive results can be achieved only in the case of a rational approach to the organization of work. Nothing good will come of it, if I follow the principle I want to sow these seeds early.
The only right decision is to sow early exclusively what you need to sow in January. You should not rush. Failure to comply with the rules of agricultural technology will lead to the fact that the seedlings will turn out weak, stretched into a string, we will not talk about any early crops in this case.
A short daylight hours, typical for January-February, will require the organization of proper illumination. Moreover, it is necessary to think over its variant in advance, for the qualitative development of seedlings, it is important to have sufficient lighting in the first days after emergence. During this period, the lower part of the stem, the submucosal knee, is formed.
The duration of daylight hours for seedlings should be about 12 hours. If organizing the right lighting is problematic, it is better to refuse early sowing.
The number of seeds for early sowing should be calculated taking into account the fact that when picking a place for plants, it will already be required much more, about three times.
Additional lighting will be required already for large areas. Thickening of a landing during a dive is not an option. Too dense plantings always increase the threat of plant damage with a black leg.
Growing seedlings in January is also associated with additional chores. The reason for this is an insufficient amount of light, and temperature differences on the windowsill, and careful control of soil moisture. Excess moisture in such conditions is harmful to the same extent as its lack.
The use of microparnishes made of polyethylene to some extent saves the situation, but it will require systematic ventilation, i.e. it will take a lot of time.
If you are confident in your strength and patience, specify on which days which seeds should be sown.
Lunar calendar - landing days in January
The lunar calendar is a great help in the work of the farmer, however, the tips of the lunar tables will only have the expected effect if the work on sowing seeds, growing seedlings and their subsequent planting in the ground will be organized in accordance with the rules of agriculture. The main criterion for planning work should still be common sense.
The history of the appearance of the lunar calendar, as well as the name of its creator, is not known for certain. But the fact that seeds sown at different times, or planted plants, have differences in development, has been noticed since ancient times.
Certain phases of the moon can have a beneficial effect on the growth of flowers and vegetables, the study of this rule, which has been repeatedly confirmed in practice, has led to the need to systematize the information accumulated on this issue.
Subsequently, it began to be drawn up in the form of tables called the lunar calendar. Surprisingly, even in the century of advanced scientific technologies, information on the lunar calendar of agricultural work remains relevant.
In accordance with the recommendations of the lunar tables, it is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings and planting seedlings in the ground, to plant trees and shrubs. Moreover, the grown crop, subject to harvesting on the right days, will be stored better.
Scientists suggest that the active influence of the lunar phases is in some way related to the amount of moisture in the soil.
The information contained in the lunar calendars varies from year to year. Planting plants according to the lunar calendar can be made taking into account the following methods:
- Synodic, created on the basis of information about the waning crescent moon
- Biodynamic, or stellar, based on information about the location of the zodiac signs
Most farmers adhere to the synodic method, considering it more effective and understandable.
We hope that the table below will help you choose the best days to plant your crops.
Days unfavorable for sowing seeds are marked with asterisks.
What seedlings are planted in January, is it profitable from an economic point of view
Among the reasons why you should engage in self-growing seedlings, the rather high cost of plants that are offered in garden centers or markets in the spring, during the period of planting seedlings in the ground, is often called.
Indeed, by growing seedlings yourself, you can get significant savings, including due to:
- use as containers for growing various containers at hand
- self preparation of soil mixture
- use of seeds of different colors and vegetables
The need to start sowing in January is due to the long period of germination of some crops. For example, early sowing of strawberries and strawberries, bitter varieties of pepper is considered the best option. It may take about 40 days to germinate, provided that the optimum temperature, humidity, and soil composition are observed.
Little trick! The sprouting of seeds will be accelerated by the organization of artificial snow cover in containers. A layer of snow is poured into the prepared soil in a couple of centimeters, seeds are laid on it, placed in a refrigerator. When snow melts, the seeds will be immersed in the ground along with melt water.
After 2-3 days, the containers are transferred to a warm room with good lighting.
Seed germination will accelerate their preliminary soaking. After standing in water for 24 hours, the seeds are dried and sown to the required depth, the finer the seeds, the smaller the grooves should be for sowing.
To create a comfortable microclimate, containers with crops are covered with plastic wrap. Watering before emergence is moderate, it is better to use water slightly warm.
Experienced gardeners claim that the strawberries sown in early January will yield the first fruits in the month of June. The correct growing technology involves picking plants during the period when a third pair of leaves appears on them. Also, throughout the spring period, the organization of high-quality lighting will be required.
It is recommended to sow seeds of plants that cannot be grown in conditions of the Middle Strip by the seedling method: leeks and root celery. Seedlings of these crops are expensive, and it can be difficult to buy.
What flowers to plant in January for seedlings
Sowing in January is recommended for crops whose flowering begins after 5 months after emergence.
These plants include:
- begonias
- clove shabo
- garden balsam
- petunias
- lobelia
For each of the plants there are certain requirements, compliance with which is the path to successful cultivation.
Clove shabo
The recommended seeding depth of clove seeds is 3 mm, the temperature is within +15 C. The pick is made after the appearance of the fifth pair of leaves, the container with seedlings should be kept in a well-lit room.
Begonias and Balsam
Since the seeds are very small, they are not deepened into the ground, they are spread over the surface.
Recommended soil composition:
- 1 part peat
- 1 part of river sand
- 2 parts humus
- small amount of wood ash
The containers with crops are covered with glass or film, sprayed daily with warm water. Contain in high-quality lighting. After a few days after emergence, the containers are opened. The pick is made after the appearance of the fourth leaf.
With the onset of sustainable heat, in the month of May seedlings are taken out to the balcony or to the greenhouse.
Petunia and Lobelia
These popular balcony flowers are also best planted in January. Small furrows are prepared for sowing, but the seeds are not sprinkled with soil. Instead of watering, spraying the crops with warm water from the spray gun is used.
Tanks with crops of lobelia are kept in a dark place until emergence, pots with petunia - in well-lit. The seedlings of both plants need good lighting and daily spraying with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate.
You can start picking when the plants reach 2-3 cm in height. You can bring seedlings of flowers to the balcony in early May.
Should be selected for sowing in January and plants requiring stratification, these include:
- swimsuit and clematis
- lavender and bell
- primrose and iris
- lumbago and violet perennial
- aquilegia and gentian
- arizema and princes
- bulb crops
Seeds of perennials require early sowing, usually they have a fairly hard and durable shell, seedlings of such crops can appear no earlier than in a month. But here it should be borne in mind that for the germination of such seeds it will be necessary to ensure a moderate, or even cool, temperature regime. It should be well thought out whether it is possible to provide normal conditions for the germination and development of seedlings.
Land for seedlings
Of course, the easiest option is to buy ready-mixed soil in the store. Here you do not have to calculate the proportions and take care to get all the necessary components. But, unfortunately, the offered product is far from always of proper quality.
The second point - some flower crops have requirements that do not quite correspond to the proposed universal options for groups of flowering or ornamental-deciduous plants.
Therefore, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for self-preparation of soil for growing seedlings. What should be included in its composition?
In most cases, it is used as the main component. It is not difficult to purchase it, it is available in any specialized gardening store. But here it is necessary to distinguish between high and lowland peat. The difference in them is, quite serious, is the indicator of acidity. Low peat - slightly acidic, high peat - has high acidity. The very fact of adding peat contributes to loosening the soil and creating favorable conditions for the development of plants, but which product to add to the soil mixture should be selected taking into account the requirements of a particular plant for pH.
Turf land
Its need is due to the need of a developing plant for trace elements. Harvesting of such soil can be done independently by collecting land from the beds where legumes, peas, and cereals were grown. Such soil contains a large amount of nitrogen.
Deciduous land
The substrate is harvested by taking soil in coniferous or deciduous plantings; rotten leaves of linden or maple are an excellent addition to the soil mixture; it is not difficult to collect them right under the trees. Deciduous soils are soft and loose, their quality can be compared with biohumus and chernozem.
A good option would be to add a substrate from compost heaps, usually this is a rotted grass removed from the beds and organic waste that has managed to completely overdo.
A mandatory component is sand. Its presence makes the soil lighter, its moisture capacity decreases. The best option is white sand typed on the banks of the river.
It takes at least a year to mature, it consists of manure, foliage, plant tops and grass. It is impossible to use humus in its pure form for growing plants, it is only good as a component of a balanced soil composition.
If we talk about specific plants whose seeds can be sown in January, then we must remember the following:
- for begonias, a mixture of sand, peat and sheet soil is required to be mixed which should be in proportion: 1 part peat. 1 part sand, 2 parts sheet soil
- falling asleep on cloves will help to cover the fertile soil with a thin layer of sand
- a mixture of peat and sand should be used for heliotrope seeds
- lobelia loves fertile soils, but sowing seeds is recommended in moist sand poured on the surface of the soil. Seeds are also mixed with dry sand before sowing.
- petunia seeds can be planted directly in peat tablets, moisture stability is important for seedling development, it is best to place peat tablets in a container and cover it with glass
- for celery, prepare a mixture of sand and fertile soil in a ratio of 1: 1
- potato seeds are sown in peat tablets, the optimum temperature for growing seedlings is +20 C
- fertile soil is used for eggplant, pepper and tomatoes
Containers must be disinfected before backfilling, the soil itself is steamed or pickled.
Topping seedlings, watering and other secrets of successful cultivation
The irrigation frequency and temperature are regulated by the degree of illumination, the more light, the higher should be the soil moisture and air temperature.
Moderate soil moisture will prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, it is undesirable to allow water to get on the leaves, you can use a syringe for watering. It is recommended to ventilate the seedlings every day, it is not worth it to thicken the plantings.
For the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to water with solutions containing the fungicides Alarin, Fitosporin, and Gliocladin can be added to the soil.
Since the development and growth of seedlings require a considerable amount of mineral substances, feeding will need to be done systematically. The first of them is performed after the appearance of the first true leaves. The next - no earlier than two weeks after the dive. The last top dressing should be planned 10 days before the expected date of planting the plants in the ground.
Consider feeding for tomato seedlings. The easiest way to use ready-made complex fertilizers, necessarily - containing nitrogen.
If you decide to cook top dressing yourself, then you can use the following recipes.
For the first top dressing, half a gram of urea, superphosphate in the amount of 4 grams, one and a half grams of potassium salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water.
The second recipe: half a gram of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate in an amount of 4 grams, 2 grams of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 1 liter of water.
The second top dressing is recommended to be made with a solution of a tablespoon of urea in 10 l of water.
For thirds, you should use drugs that include potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen.
Peppers are similarly fed. They are more demanding to care and capricious, so you should feed the peppers as planned, without waiting until the leaves on the seedlings turn yellow, or the sprouts begin to fade.
To fertilize peppers, mixtures with a predominance of nitrogen and phosphorus should be used; the potash component at this stage of development is required in minimal quantities.
The feeding procedure is as follows:
- watering is carried out in the evening
- the next morning, make a nutrient solution
The first top dressing should be root, the second can be done in a non-root way, i.e. applying a nutrient solution to the leaves with a spray.
Before making root dressing, you can sprinkle the earth under seedlings with wood ash.
The frequency of subsequent top dressing is once every two weeks.
If there is no desire to stuff small plants with chemicals, you can use tried and tested folk methods. A good effect is given by irrigation with a solution of ordinary yeast, which is used in cooking. You just need to dissolve 1 g of yeast in a liter of warm water and water the plants. During the period of seedling growth, three such top dressings will be required.
As top dressing, you can use a solution of iodine, 10 drops of iodine will be required for a 10 liter bucket. Pouring such a solution should be on the ground, it must not be allowed to get on the stem or leaves!
As a fertilizer, you can use the following:
- infusion of wood ash, 1 tablespoon of ash due to 2 liters of heated water, withstand 24 hours
- a shell of 3 eggs is crushed into powder, 3 l of water is poured, infused for 3 days, with occasional agitation
- onion husk in an amount of 20 g is poured with 5 l of water, infused for 4-5 days, used both for fertilizer and soil disinfection
- a bunch of dry stinging nettles is poured with 10 l of boiling water and infused for several days, then diluted with water to a light yellow color, it is recommended for watering seedlings
- coffee grounds are added directly to the ground, it loosens the earth well, enriches with oxygen
Useful tips from experienced growers
To carry out watering and top dressing, you should choose the morning hours, or spend them in the evening. After top dressing, the plants should be watered with a small amount of clean water.
Overfeeding of seedlings should be avoided; excess nutrition is no less harmful than hunger. If the plants are actively developing, their leaves have a bright green color, the stems are strong and thick - which means they do not need to be fed.
An excess of nitrogen is especially dangerous - with lush greenery and active growth of green mass, crop yields will be low.
Evidence of a shortage of a substance will be a change in the color of the sheets:
- pale lower leaves - a sign of a lack of nitrogen
- lightening of the upper - means that plants lack iron
- lilac streaks indicate a lack of phosphorus
- withered leaves mean the plant needs copper
The appearance of such symptoms will tell the attentive vegetable grower the composition of the next top dressing.