Topiary of flowers, how to make a topiary of flowers with your own hands
Modern designers and decorators quite often decorate the interior with the help of a topiary made with their own hands.
DIY topiary
The concept of art, topiary originates from ancient times. At that time, shrubs and trees in the gardens, aesthetically trimmed in the form of diverse, bizarre figures called topiary. Especially mastery of the art of topiary was valued in Persia and Ancient Egypt. The most striking and famous example of a topiary is the Babylonian hanging gardens of Babylon, which are rightfully recognized as one of the wonders of the world. Today's understanding of the topiary is slightly distorted. Today it is a small, extraordinary in shape, made using both artificial and natural materials, wood. Only from the creator of this type of decor depends on what exactly it is produced. The dimensions of the structure under discussion range from 10 to 50 centimeters.
There are many manufacturing options (including topiary of flowers, paper and artificial) and design purposes. For example, it can be a gift dedicated to the birthday of a loved one, the day of the marriage of friends, housewarming relatives, crafts for the New Year, and so on.
Having decided on the creation of the topiary with your own hands, you need to know that the design is assembled from several fragments: stand or pot, base, crown, trunk. All described fragments have a different shape and may consist of unequal materials.
the foundation
Any form (various figures, numbers, hearts, letters) is suitable for the manufacture of the base. The most commonly used option is a ball. A blank for the production of a ball or heart can be made of papier paper, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. A blank for the base for a figured product can be made of massive wire by wrapping it with a rope, florist ribbon or plastic.
Still, as an option, an ordinary tree branch, with the bark removed in advance and applied with a stain, and then with varnish, is quite suitable.
The manufacture of this fragment of the topiary opens up the widest possible spaces for the flight of fantasy. Almost everything is suitable for manufacturing:
- any kind of paper (napkins, finished flowers from paper, origami figures, corrugated paper and the like);
- flowers made of clay, porcelain and so on;
- satin, kapron and other ribbons;
- as well as cotton and felt pieces, beads, buttons, coffee, shells, dry foliage and absolutely all materials of natural origin.
The size of this fragment of the topiary directly depends on the design, as well as on the shape of the tree produced. It may well be a flower pot, and an iron bucket decorated with paints or decorated with decoupage, and an ordinary cup, and a shell, and an interesting stone. If necessary or desired, the stand can be trimmed with lace or draped with fabric. In any case, the final version is thought up and completed by the manufacturer directly.
Materials for Topiary
A significant process in the manufacture of topiary is the selection of the necessary materials. It is necessary to carefully and thoroughly think over the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating, and, accordingly, the materials that will be needed in the manufacture:
- their number
- diversity,
- quality,
- color gamut and so on.
Of course, the idea should be connected with the purpose of the tree and emphasize the interests, preferences of the future owner. For example - it may be the original topiary for the New Year:
Step by Step Topiary
For good reason, the topiary received the second name the Tree of Happiness. The topiary, produced as a gift or souvenir, during production nourishes a huge amount of positively charged energy from the manufacturer and, therefore, getting to the addressee in the house will bring good luck, happiness, prosperity and all kinds of benefits.
Now consider a detailed description of how to make topiary of roses. Materials that are useful when creating:
- base for planting a tree, a deep container (flower pot) is suitable;
- trunk - a tube made of cardboard, with a diameter of up to 3 cm, a height of about 40 cm, (branch or stick);
- krone - a ball of foam, in diameter about 18 cm;
- artificial flowers - in this case roses (variants of other types are also possible, selected in one color scale);
- artificial branches, balls and leaflets;
- a small amount of alabaster or gypsum intended for fastening the trunk;
- heated glue.
After the alabaster is divorced, it is poured into a pot so that the upper half of the pot remains empty. Now you can put a tree trunk in the solution.
At the time when the base dries, prepare flowers and a crown. A Styrofoam ball (crown) should be painted to match future colors. Buds need to be made out of artificial leaves and flowers. After that, you can attach (glue) them to the branches.
Depending on the size of the tree, flowers may be a different amount. They can be made both in one color scheme, and in different. It all depends on the desire and preferences of the manufacturer. If several colors were used to twist the flowers, then the base can be painted in the tone of the prevailing amount or combined painting can be done (use the principle of alternating colors). Creating a topiary with your own hands, you can use the master class for creating flowers from a ribbon.
Preparation of the crown base. Before fastening the flowers to the base, you need to mark it. The marking will help to correctly place the flowers and prevent the creation of flower bald patches in one place, and in their excessive accumulation.
On the one hand, the pre-thought-out concept of the composition significantly reduces the amount of time needed to mount the crown. On the other hand, the concept invented in the course of action will significantly increase the time spent on the creation, but it will absolutely make it possible to get a unique, unique topiary design.
When the flower fasteners are finished, the resulting rose garden needs to be slightly diluted by gluing a couple, another twig with leaves, antennae, balls. After that, the crown can be considered complete.
Now the design of the trunk. In this case, the trunk will look great wound satin ribbon in bright colors and small beads glued to it matching the color of the buds.
A more detailed look at how to make topiary can be in the video.
Choosing the general color gamut of the composition to be created, you can get a topiary perfectly in harmony with the style of a certain room, or vice versa, a topiary that will stand out in a room with a sufficiently bright or colorful spot, thereby attracting attention to itself.
Of course, it all depends on the mood and desire of the creator. In any case, you should not be afraid, but you should try to bring your ideas to life.