Drain pit in a private house with your own hands, a drain pit from concrete rings detailed instructions
A modern country house is a construction in no way inferior to city apartments, it is equipped with efficient heating systems, water supply and heating, as well as drainage. Depending on the operating conditions of the sewage system and the volume of generated effluents, on the intensity of operation of the house itself and the number of people living in it, the financial possibilities of the owners, one or another type of cesspool is selected. These structures differ in design, by the type of materials used, by the principle of operation.
Types of cesspools
Structurally, cesspools are divided into open and closed.
It is recommended to build open only in cases where the volume of effluents generated per day will not exceed 1 cubic meter. Such structures do not have a bottom, i.e. part of the liquid will be filtered through the soil and fall into the soil.
Among the advantages of this design can be called the savings resulting from the slow accumulation of sludge at the bottom, it is natural to call the sewer machine less often. The downside is the constant threat to the environment.
Closed pits are hermetic structures. They have a waterproof bottom, which makes them completely environmentally friendly. This is ideal for small areas, the inhabitants of which use water from their own wells or wells.
A negative point is the need to constantly monitor the level of wastewater in the pit and, as necessary, call up a sewage machine, which, of course, leads to some financial expenses.
If we talk about the materials from which sewage pits are built, then there is diversity. These can be professional plastic tanks, in some cases, if the pit volume is up to 1 cubic meter, ordinary polypropylene barrels can be used. Sometimes resort to the use of similar metal containers.
Brick constructions are not inferior to them in strength, they justify the costs if it is required to erect a large-volume structure. They are practical, they withstand significant loads of earth masses, the bricks themselves are not afraid of moisture and are quite resistant to chemical attack.
A more reliable option is concrete structures. They serve for a long time, are unpretentious in care, and are resistant to aggressive chemical environments. Concrete pits can be solid or assembled from ready-made concrete rings.
The principle of operation of sewage pits can also be different.
The most primitive options are single-chamber designs, they consist of one compartment in which drains accumulate. Such a pit is designed to store wastewater and requires systematic cleanings.
A more perfect principle of operation is distinguished by multi-chamber pits. The standard scheme of such a structure is two or three reservoirs connected by pipes. The first one includes drains from the house and other water consumption points (summer kitchen, bathhouse, etc.), and the next one gets only liquid that has been cleaned from insoluble fractions.
After additional cleaning, such a liquid can be filtered into the soil or drained off the site, it will not pose a special threat to the environmental situation.
The most advanced and modern septic tanks are multi-chamber containers of a professional rank. They consist of several tanks equipped with special filtration systems, pumps, biological fluid treatment systems. Septic tanks are highly effective because not intended for accumulation, but for wastewater treatment.
The cost of equipment for such septic tanks is considerable, but the quality of the water treated is so high that it allows its further use for household needs, in particular for irrigation.
Drain pit calculation
This design point is quite important, because the construction of a cesspool of concrete rings implies the fulfillment of several significant conditions.
Firstly, the pit itself should be deepened to such an extent that the level of the liquid in it does not rise to the point of freezing of the soil in the area, usually 0.8 m.
The second condition is associated with the depth of groundwater. The highest point of their rise should be lower than the base of the tank for wastewater, otherwise there will always be a threat of the site’s flood with wastewater.
It is not recommended to deepen the pit by more than 3-3.5 m and for another reason - this is the maximum depth with which the liquid can be pumped out with the help of suckers.
Do not be lazy, call back the appropriate service and find out how much the tank can be ordered if it is necessary to pump the effluent. It is recommended to calculate in such a way that the volume of the sewage pit and the scavenger machine are commensurate - otherwise you will have to pay for the removal of a half-empty tank.
When choosing the cylindrical shape of the sink receiver, as in our case, it is not at all difficult to make calculations.
For example, you can use the following formula:
If we take an average family of four, then based on sanitary norms for water consumption, we can assume that the construction of a sealed pit with a volume of 15 square meters. m will allow, with permanent residence in the house, to order the export of drains about 2 times a month.
To reduce costs, they often choose a more economical option and build a pit that works as follows. Two separate containers are installed, drains from a residential building and utility rooms first fall into the first chamber equipped with a sealed bottom.
Under the influence of the fermentation process, the waste accumulated in it reduces the chemical activity, is divided into a solid component and water. Accumulated to a certain level, the liquid from the first chamber begins to flow through the overflow hole and the connecting pipe into the second chamber.
Since the overflow hole is located above the inlet, only relatively clean and settled liquid can enter the second chamber. The bottom of the second chamber is made filtering, i.e. not tight, through it water can seep into the underlying soil layers.
This type of cesspool can be cleaned once every 1-2 years, and it will be necessary to call the sewage disposal equipment.
Rings for this type of pits, with and without bottom, are produced at precast concrete plants; it will not be difficult to purchase them.
Experts say that for the construction of this type of septic tank, 5-9 elements may be required, of which 3-6 rings will be spent on the construction of the first chamber, 2-4 rings on the second. A more accurate calculation is made taking into account the number of residents in the house.
DIY pit of concrete rings
As reliable and easy-to-care options, we have already called the construction of concrete rings. This option is considered the cheapest, for this reason it is popular with owners of country houses.
The advantages include:
- concrete products are delivered to the site in finished form
- installation is quick
- installation technology simple
concrete rings for a drain hole, sizes
Naturally, the question arises as to what parameters to choose reinforced concrete products for construction. Reinforced concrete plants today offer rings of various sizes and designs.
Their diameter can range from 0.7 to 2.5 m or even 3 m. Height - usually 0.9 m or 1 m, but there are additional elements, the use of which will allow you to get the planned height and volume of the compartment.
The weight of concrete parts varies depending on the dimensions, in order to roughly orientate, we clarify that the standard part with a diameter of 100 cm, a height of 90 cm and a wall thickness of 8 cm will weigh about 600 kg, and with a diameter of 200 cm - about one and a half tons.
In addition, on sale you can find rings of various types:
- with a lock, i.e. the design of which implies the possibility of a lock connection of products (groove-comb) during installation, this greatly simplifies the work process and ensures the stability of the structure and the tightness of the pit
- flat - ordinary products with a flat edge; their installation involves joining with metal brackets and sealing with cement mortar
- filtration - with perforation along the entire lateral surface, usually used in the installation of filter compartments in overflow systems
Concrete rings are made of cement M500, or higher, while a strong frame of reinforcement is necessarily installed.
If desired, you can purchase concrete products with a lid and a bottom - they will greatly simplify the installation process.
choose concrete rings
The choice should be made during the preparation of the project, while the preliminary calculation of the drain pit must be taken into account.
To make the right choice, you should know that all products and reinforced concrete are marked, the first two digits in it indicate the diameter of the product (in dm), the figure after the decimal point is the height (in dm). For example, the code KS 15.9 means that the ring has a diameter of one and a half meters, its height is 0.9 m.
cesspool materials
During construction, overlap is required, i.e. concrete slab with a round hole for the hatch, which will provide access for maintenance.
If necessary, you can purchase a finished plate for the bottom of the sealed compartment, moreover, corresponding to the diameter rings.
A hatch of a suitable size can be purchased ready-made, polymer or metal, a similar wood product can be made.
dig a pit for a drain pit
The place for the drain pit should be chosen so that:
- it was removed from residential buildings at 5 m
- the distance to the neighboring section was at least 2 m
- a well with drinking water was located at least 25 m from the pit diagonally
- there was the possibility of free access
After choosing a place that meets sanitary and technical requirements, they start digging a hole. Its diameter should be approximately half a meter larger than the diameter of the rings - after the rings are installed, they will need to be waterproofed, possibly a layer of thermal insulation material should be laid.
In depth, the pit should also exceed the planned height of the installed rings by at least 0.3 m.
If a ring with a bottom will be installed, then the bottom of the pit is carefully rammed, covered with a layer of river sand, watered with water, i.e. achieve the creation of a solid, even sand cushion, which will be required to install the rings.
Some masters recommend making a square pit - then it will be possible to simply lower the concrete slab of the appropriate size to the bottom, i.e. it will be possible to avoid a rather laborious process of manufacturing a cement screed.
mounting options for concrete rings
It is easy to assume that further work can be performed in different ways:
- installation on the bottom of a conventional ring
- installation of the bottom ring
If a regular ring will be installed, then you will need to pour the bottom for the septic tank compartment with concrete mortar. To do this, cut the reinforcement into the appropriate segments, lay in the form of a lattice, fix each other with a knitting wire. The reinforcement should not be laid directly on the sand - it should be approximately in the middle of the concrete. Those. the reinforcing cage should be laid horizontally on bricks or fragments of concrete products.
Next, concrete is prepared, its composition is traditional:
- 1 part of cement will need 2 parts of sand
- 3 parts of crushed stone
- water to create a consistency of thick sour cream
The grade of cement should be at least 400, a lower grade will require a decrease in the composition of the fillers. Cement of higher grades will increase the amount of sand and gravel.
The amount of concrete will need to be calculated, as the technology involves the simultaneous filling of the bottom of the entire pit, without additional batching. The concrete mixer will facilitate the work, its rental will cost a small amount. But if you wish, you can do the batch manually.
Finished concrete is carefully leveled over the entire area. Do not forget that you will need to remove air from the concrete, this can be done by baying the mortar.
The time it takes for concrete to harden is 6-7 days. If the work is carried out on hot days - the concrete surface will need to be watered periodically with water - this will prevent the appearance of cracks.
The option, when using a product with a bottom, will save you from labor-intensive work with concrete, you will also not need to purchase additional building materials. Naturally, builders recommend such an option as simpler in execution and less laborious.
The rings are lowered into the pit one at a time, one at a time. It is very important to seal all joints at their joints with cement mortar.
Some builders advise laying at joints in order to seal rubber gaskets or sealing joints using specially prepared cement mortar with the addition of water glass. Such a solution is applied to the surface of the joint neither the lower product, then install the next circle.
The pipe passage points will also need to be treated with insulating materials, silicone grease can be used for this purpose - it ensures tightness and prevents the possibility of pipe cracking after ring shrinkage.
Filtering compartments of septic tanks are created in a similar way, only to build a concrete base in this case is not required. At the bottom of such wells, additional wells with a depth of about 1 m can be drilled; structures made of plastic pipes are placed inside them. To prevent the formation of organic deposits on the walls of the pipes they are covered with gravel.
Upon completion of the installation of the circles, they are waterproofed externally, this may be treatment with clay mortar or hot bitumen. For processing the inside, hot bitumen is usually used.
is it possible to lower the rings manually
In words, the installation process looks very simple, but we should not forget that reinforced concrete has a solid weight. Dropping circles into the pit on their own will not work. Without a doubt, special equipment is required. The call of the crane will cause an increase in the cost of work, but there are no options in this case.
On each of the products there are 4 fixing ears, for their manufacture a wire rod with a diameter of 6 mm or more is used. A cable is attached to the ears with the help of which the product will rise and fall.
The installation of rings cannot be called very difficult for an experienced crane operator, however, safety rules must be followed:
- cable fastening should be done for each of the four ears
- the length of the cables should be perfectly identical
- rushing and making inaccuracies in work is unacceptable
To level the bottom ring, use the level, when you reach the desired position - proceed to lowering and installing subsequent rings.
At the last stage, a concrete ceiling with a hole is installed, it is also lifted by a crane. The junction of the overlap and the upper circle is also subject to careful sealing.
pipe laying, concreting, ventilation installation
At the end of the installation work, it will be required at a depth of about 0.5 m, but if the winters are harsh in your area, it is better - 0.8 m, drill holes in the rings to enter the sewer and a little higher - to install the overflow pipe in the second compartment of the septic tank ( if it is planned).
Then you can deal with the withdrawal of drain pipes. It is recommended to use sewer pipes with a diameter of about 150 mm. They should be laid in prepared trenches, with a slope of 2-3% in the direction of the sewage pit. Pipe entry points into the pit are not concreted - seasonal soil movements can cause rigidly fixed pipes to fail.
Fill the trenches and the shaft of the sewage pit should make sure that the drain is working properly. Soil around the rings is covered so that only a hatch is on the surface. As a hatch, a polymer, metal or wooden product can be used to tightly close the hole in the ceiling.
In finished ceilings, as a rule, openings for ventilation are provided. To equip the ventilation system, it is recommended to use pipes with a diameter of 100 mm, two pieces, 0.5 and 0.7 m long, will be required. The layout of the ventilation system may be something like this:
If the ventilation system is equipped correctly, then even the simplest natural option will solve the issue with the accumulation of gases inside the compartments. To completely get rid of the appearance of unpleasant odors will have to spend a significant amount on the installation of forced ventilation.
Useful Tips
To avoid problems during operation of a septic tank of any design will allow several useful recommendations.
For example, in areas with severe winters, the possibility of extremely low temperatures cannot be ruled out. Hence the conclusion - to prevent freezing of the septic tank sectors, they should be insulated.
Mandatory moment - the arrangement of revision hatches - this will allow you to monitor the condition of the compartments and carry out technical maintenance.
More effective operation of septic tanks can be achieved using biologics. Wastewater filtered into the soil will become much cleaner and will not pose a threat to environmental pollution.
Watch a video about the most common mistakes in the construction of septic tanks: