Strawberry on a personal plot, reproduction, care
You can grow strawberries on a personal plot on any type of soil. There is, of course, a correlation between the type of soil and the quantity and quality of the harvested crop. Both experienced agronomists and amateur gardeners unanimously argue that the best strawberry crop can be grown on podzolized chernozems and forest dark gray soils. Light gray, soddy, peat soils will not yield the best yield in quality, while the number of berries will be catastrophically small. Ideal for planting strawberries will be the chernozem in which groundwater is no deeper than 60 - 70 cm from the surface. Also, for strawberry cultivation, a plot with a slope of 2 - 4 degrees to the south-west side is suitable. It is in this place that the plant vegetation occurs earlier, therefore the ripening of the berries is much faster. Strawberries will feel very bad in areas located in the lowlands, exactly where there is no air movement.
see also:
Aronia chokeberry - from planting to harvest
Today, chokeberry is the most environmentally friendly plant - chokeberry does not accumulate harmful substances, even if it grows near a busy road. When growing it, pesticides are rarely used, and the benefits of fruits are known throughout the world. Chokeberry is not demanding in care, adapts perfectly to any weather conditions, and its berries are widely used for medicinal purposes.
see also:
Actinidia - varieties, cultivation, reproduction
Lovers of exotic plants will surely enjoy growing a plant such as Actinidia creeper. The birthplace of the plant is Asia, but it became known only after cultivation by an amateur gardener in New Zealand, thanks to him we now know about the delicious fruits of kiwi. The Chinese gooseberry weaves and blooms with beautiful white flowers, which gives it the right, is on a par with ornamental plants. Actinidia is not fastidious in growing, resistant to pests and diseases, the plant feels good in our climate and even pleases gardeners with fruiting. So, fruiting actinidia, planting and care, reproduction and popular varieties.
see also:
Pests of roses - how to recognize and destroy
Roses in the garden are susceptible to attacks by harmful insects, damaged plants begin to hurt, immunity to fungal diseases decreases, and abundant flowering ceases. Measures taken in time to destroy harmful insects will help to avoid the above problems, roses are planted for special aesthetic pleasure, we will not spoil it with the presence of aphids, ticks and other pests on noble flowers.
see also:
Diseases of garden roses - prevention and treatment
Any changes on the roses can be a sign of disease, in such situations you can not hesitate - every hour lost causes damage to plant health. As in the case of a person, prevention is better than treatment, because careful care of roses and monitoring their condition is sometimes impossible for several reasons. If disease prevention has not helped, do not despair, there are effective methods of dealing with unpleasant surprises.
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Peony roses, cultivation methods, reproduction, useful tips
Extremely beautiful pion-shaped roses won the hearts of millions of amateur gardeners all over the world; refusing to grow such a beautiful plant on their site is beyond the power of even those who generally feel cool about this culture as such. The creator of peony-shaped, or English roses, farmer David Austin engaged in breeding only half a century ago - becoming interested in old varieties, he set out to diversify the color of flowers and make plants repeat flowering throughout the season. Looking at the amazing results of his work, we can conclude that he succeeded and very successfully. Today, English roses, which are also called Austins, are used for wedding bouquets, they decorate halls for celebrations, they are actively used by designers in the development of landscape parks of different styles.
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Modern gazebo on the plot, beautiful do-it-yourself gazebos
The purchase of a suburban or summer cottage site is connected with a person’s desire to get a good rest in conditions as close as possible to wildlife. We relax digging in the beds with vegetables or planting a garden, caring for beautiful flowers in the flower beds, but from time to time there is a need to admire the garden design created by our own hands, to spend the evening talking with friends in the fresh air. Naturally, the best place for a pleasant pastime will be a gazebo. Its construction is a rather interesting process, it is quite possible to carry out all its stages with your own hands. Projects of modern gazebos are very diverse, it will not be difficult to choose the suitable one in terms of complexity and means that will be needed for the construction of the object.
see also:
Diseases and pests of cucumbers - symptoms and control methods
Cucumbers, one of the most popular seasonal vegetables that do not require special care, but still their cultivation is complicated by the invasion of pests and the development of the disease. The defeat of the culture is associated with many factors - from improper care to adverse weather conditions, in any case, with signs of the disease and noticed pests, you must fight, and even better, try to prevent their appearance.