Spring spraying the garden from diseases, when, how to spray and with what preparations
In the spring, there is always a lot of work for gardeners to protect plants from diseases and protect them from pests. In addition to pruning trees, preventive treatment is carried out: whitewashing and spraying the garden.
- Garden diseases
- Protecting the garden from disease video
- Protecting the garden from pests
- Spraying rules
Garden diseases
The most common diseases of fruit trees are:
Scab fungal disease. It mainly affects pears and apples. It develops in early spring, after the buds have blossomed. Stains appear on the leaves, and later on the fruits. On pears, shoots are affected; cracks appear on the bark; it cracks and peels. The leaves of the plants dry and fall, the fruit growth stops, they have a plain-looking curved-sided look and are not suitable for storage.
Powdery mildew also applies to the genus of fungal diseases. It affects the shoots, buds, inflorescences and leaves of plants. A plaque appears on them, first white, and then brown in color with a splash of black dots. As a result, the leaves dry, the shoots grow worse, the fruits are not tied. Most often, powdery mildew affects apple trees, less often pears.
Fruit rot affects the fruits of plums, cherries, pears and apple trees. First, a small spot of brown color appears on them, which gradually increases and captures most of the area. The grayish-brown spores of rot easily separate from the fruit and are carried by the wind, infecting other trees.
Gray rot affects shoots, ovary flowers and fruits of stone fruit crops of cherry, plum. This disease has another name, a monilial burn, because shoots and leaves look as if they were in fire. They dry and sometimes you can observe the complete death of the crown of the tree.
Protecting the garden from disease
In addition to disinfecting actions such as autumn processing of trees and soil, spraying the garden in the spring will help prevent plant diseases. Used for this bordeaux liquid, consisting of a mixture of lime and copper sulfate, 300 g of each component.
Hot water of 2 l each is poured into two plastic or enameled containers, and copper sulfate and slaked lime are dissolved in it. The volume of fluid is adjusted to 5 l in each vessel. The mortar is filtered and the mixtures are combined. If the composition is selected correctly, then the yellow litmus paper will turn blue. The solution can be checked with a normal nail when immersed in the resulting liquid, it will not turn red. If this nevertheless happened, lime is added to the mixture. There are already ready-made compounds that can only be diluted with water.
The second option is the drug home or copper chloridediluted with water (30-40 g per 10 liters). To combat powdery mildew, a solution is made in greater concentration; 5 liters of liquid are taken for the same amount of the drug.
Spraying the garden from diseases in early spring is carried out before the buds open. Depending on the size of the plant, 2-5 liters of solution are usually consumed per tree.
Protecting the garden from pests
By the time the buds begin to bloom, numerous plant pests are already appearing in the gardens, which can destroy trees. During this period, larvae hatch:
- aphids;
- apple thistle;
- pear gall mite;
- ticks, etc.
primary processing
To protect the garden, spraying plants with various insecticides will help:
The drug No. 30 and its derivatives (30a, 30c, 30cc), long known to gardeners, belong to a number of mineral oil emulsions.
It has the weakest phytotoxicity among similar drugs.
It is used in the fight against eggs of leafworms, aphids, spider mites, larvae.
Mainly destroys scale insects and false shields.
When spraying shrubs, a 3% emulsion is used, for trees 3-4%. Ready solution should be used immediately, during the day.
Processing is carried out before budding.
- Olekuprit oily dark green liquid, not inferior in effectiveness to the drug No. 30. It is used in 4% concentration.
- Urea is used to kill pests and as fertilizer that enters trees through the bark and kidneys. Spraying is carried out in early spring at a concentration of 700 g of urea per 10 liters of water.
secondary processing
After the kidneys are opened, the trees are re-treated with fungicides. The following amount of drugs is taken per 10 liters of water:
- Colloidal sulfur 50-100 g;
- HOM 30-40 g;
- Polycarbacin 40 g;
- Polychrome 40 g;
- Phosphoric Acid Sodium 100 g;
- Bordeaux mixture 1%;
- Speed \u200b\u200b2 ml;
- Strobes 2 g;
- Chorus 2 g
These fungicides are used against diseases of garden plants and pests. The most popular are the Bordeaux mixture, HOM, Skor and Horus.
The following insecticides, diluted in 10 liters of water, help fight apple and plum sawflies and cherry weevils.
- Alatar 10 ml;
- Actellic 2 ml;
- Fufanon (karbofos) 10 ml;
- Kinmix 2 ml;
- Commander according to the instructions on the package;
- Spark-double effect 1 tab.
When working with any drugs, you need to protect yourself: spraying with gloves and special clothing, protect your face with glasses and a respirator.
If the treatment is carried out in time, then the diseases and pests of the garden will not be able to cause damage to it and this, of course, will positively affect the harvest.
Rules for spraying:
- only pure water is used to prepare solutions;
- before filling the sprayer, the solution is shaken well and filtered;
- the liquid should lie on the plant with fine dust, and not drain from it;
- the distance from the tip of the sprayer to the plant should be about 75 cm;
- spraying should be carried out in overalls;
- processing of trees is carried out in good, calm weather;
- after treatment, the sprayer must be washed and dried.