Methods and methods of wood protection in the construction of houses made of wood, wood protection
Natural wood is an environmentally friendly, breathable and incredibly beautiful material for construction. Houses made of timber or cracked logs can last for decades without requiring repairs and endless finishing touches. But this is only if the wood is protected in advance from decay, fungus, and the invasion of insects, eating sinuous passages in the structure of the tree.
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What is LED strip, where is LED strip used, how to choose the right one
In time immemorial, the only sources of artificial light radiation were considered chandeliers and lamps, the fundamental link of which were incandescent lamps. But in view of their main drawback, which consists in converting the main amount of energy into thermal radiation, today there is a tendency to a gradual abandonment of this type of emitters. But innovative technologies supplant obsolete developments, and places on store shelves began to take the fruits of recent projects, according to which the whole world begins to switch to previously unexplored, energy-saving technological solutions. And in this case, LED lamps are meant.
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Lighting apartment. Options for lighting the kitchen in the interior of a modern apartment, original tips and methods for installing lamps
It is no secret that a competent organization of lighting is able to cope with the solution of the most complex household and design problems in the kitchen. This is due to the fact that the kitchen space is considered not only a place for a meal, but also the workplace of the hostess. That is why here it is necessary to provide for both uniform basic lighting and lighting fixtures of various intensities that are built into purposefully organized niches and located in the cooking zone.
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Lighting apartment. Lighting options for a children's room in the interior of a modern apartment, original tips and methods for installing lamps
Psychologists claim that the atmosphere in the family and the conditions for raising children affect not only the emotional state of the child, but also his future adult life. Therefore, when equipping a nursery, parents should try and create the most preferable conditions for the full development of the kids.
Paying attention to the layout of the room and the selection of furniture, do not forget about the importance of lighting, the proper organization of which depends on a number of factors: the age and preferences of the baby, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, activities and interests of the child. We will consider various options for the main and decorative light, and also dwell on the safety of lighting devices for children.
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Lighting apartment. Lighting options for the bedroom in the interior of a modern apartment, original tips and installation methods
It has been proven since ancient times that lighting accompanies us at all levels of being, influencing the course of physiological processes, controlling the emotional sphere and leaving a mark on the subconscious. In the bedroom, which is a territory of relaxation and solitude, the control over our emotions is most clearly observed, in which the crucial role is given to lighting. In this regard, it is necessary to consider all the nuances of lighting the bedroom, following the advice of designers and their own intuition.
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Basement siding in construction, types of basement siding, DIY installation of basement siding
The basement is an easily vulnerable part of the building, which is constantly exposed to various mechanical effects, the negative manifestation of climatic conditions. At the moment, the list of finishing materials intended for facing not only the basement, but also the facade of the building as a whole, is headed by basement siding. Due to its unique texture, it not only protects the external walls from destruction, but also gives the building an additional aesthetic appeal.
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The blind area in a private house, types of blind areas, how to properly blind area in a private house, we make the blind area of \u200b\u200bthe house in stages
The construction of the house is completed, but the owners still have a lot of trouble, primarily aimed at ensuring the safety of their new home. Building constructions, no matter how strong they may seem at first glance, without proper protection can significantly suffer from the effects of frost, snow and rain, winds. This influence on the foundation is especially dangerous, because its deformation or partial destruction can adversely affect the strength of the entire structure of the house. As a protective measure around the house, it is recommended to build a blind area - it is it that is designed to protect the foundation from the damaging effects of rainfall.
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Thermal tree, what is it where the thermal tree is used. A new type of building material is thermal wood, we choose correctly
It is no secret that many experts consider wood an obsolete material, which is largely inferior to synthetic products. Non-natural materials surpass wood in many respects, and are often chosen by consumers as the most durable materials for decoration. But, given the pleasant aroma and environmental safety, it should be noted that not a single synthetic material was able to completely displace the tree from the market of finishing materials. On the contrary, experts made a lot of efforts to strengthen the position of wood in the construction market.