Decorative waterfall, decorative waterfall on a personal plot with your own hands, useful tips
Design artificial reservoirs, including waterfalls, ponds and fountains, are often presented as the most exquisite element in the landscape design of the garden. Even a small pond, in almost any area, will create an excellent place to relax. It will be especially attractive on a sultry summer day, because the water always blows cool and fresh. The pond will look more picturesque if the water gets into it from the equipped waterfall, you can watch the current sparkling stream under the sun's rays for an infinitely long time.
- Artificial pond with a waterfall and its features
- Artificial pond decor, step by step instructions
- Useful Tips
- Excavation pit for a waterfall video
- Waterfall Cascade Height
- Waterfall waterproofing
- Choosing a pump for a waterfall video
Do-it-yourself artificial waterfall in the garden - we prepare materials and tools
The waterfall on the plot can be done independently. True, this will require certain skills in construction, precisely made calculations and creative ideas on this topic.
When a pond is already equipped on the territory of the site, it will be much easier to create a waterfall. Otherwise, first of all, it is necessary to find a place under the pond and prepare it. In any case, the waterfall should be located in close proximity with at least a small pond. Flowing water should get into it.
The construction process will take some time, but the result will exceed all expectations. Such a design will not go unnoticed by relatives and friends. This oasis will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.
It should be noted that the owner of a personal oasis will have one more concern: you will have to add water to the system from time to time. With the arrival of hot summers, the water circulating in the system will evaporate, so you will have to resume its original displacement. To implement the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a waterfall, you need only a couple of days off.
Consumables, tools - you should remember the basic ones that will be required when performing work:
- Site planning will require the use of level and roulette.
- When digging pits and for deepening the soil, you will need a shovel, a manual rammer.
- You will need to bring gravel, cobblestones, pebbles, flat stones to the site, you may need a wheelbarrow to move them.
- To design a waterfall and ponds, large stones will be required.
- To equip the waterproofing system, you will need geotextiles, a durable polyethylene or rubber film, from tools - a knife and scissors.
- To carry out the installation of the supply system, we will use flexible pipelines with connections, ball valves, clamps.
- In the process of work will also be used: a rubber hammer, a drill with nozzles of different diameters, polyurethane foam, degreasing compound, Portland cement.
The necessary structural elements of a water system with a waterfall will be: a pump for supplying water and a reservoir for its flow.
DIY waterfall decor step by step instructions
Of course, first you need to think through all the stages of construction and prepare for them. The work of constructing such a structure is not easy, therefore, in addition to tools and materials, it will take strength, skill, time and patience.
how to choose a place for a decorative waterfall
It is advisable to arrange the waterfall in a place that will be easily visible from home, from the gazebo, from the veranda and so on. When choosing a suitable place, it is worth considering the following points: the mandatory presence of a slope in the landscape of the site.
It is imperative to plan the slope, it will ensure the runoff of water along the stone steps. It is recommended to make a slope so that for every 3 m it is at least 10 cm. If you plan to create a large, noisy waterfall, the slope becomes steeper.
the size
It is necessary to determine exactly what size the creek will be, as well as exactly how much water will circulate in it. In addition, you need to calculate how much water should be in the pool located in the upper part of the structure.
This is necessary so that a pump brought into an active state gives a sufficient flow of water. For example, if you want to create a stream with a depth of 10 cm and a width of 70 cm, you will need about 20 liters of water for every half meter, the dimensions of the pool located below should be 160 liters, and located at the top 960 liters, while the created stream will have a mass of 300 liters.
Useful Tips
If you want to enjoy the murmur of water while in the bedroom or another room, you need to have a waterfall in the immediate vicinity of the window. But, it is worth considering that you will need a hose of a certain length (to supply water from the source to the structure), as well as the ability to connect an electric motor to the network, to ensure it without problem work.
Decorative waterfalls for the home will look much more profitable, more interesting and more natural if you use natural stones of different sizes in their creation. It is not difficult to find companies involved in the sale of natural stone by buying a newspaper with advertisements, you can go to the corresponding website on the Internet and search there.
Before an act of sale, the goods must be inspected. Visual inspection will help to understand whether the material is suitable in color and shape. If desired, you can find a special company that sells this kind of materials, and also, at the request of the client, can sort it.
To design a waterfall you will need:
- gravel of 500 kg, dimensions from 2 cm to 5 cm (for every three meters along which the flow will pass), in addition to this, about 1,500 kg for the arrangement of the lower and upper pools
- cobblestones with dimensions from 15 cm to 60 cm, with the help of which the coastal formation will occur. Buying cobblestones costs 750 kg for every three meters of flow. Also, for the formation of the lower and upper pools, about 2000 kg will be needed, with dimensions from 30 cm to 60 cm.
These purchases must be planned and made before the start of the construction of a waterfall on a personal plot.
Useful advice: when constructing a waterfall and buying related source materials, you should not plan and use such a stone as limestone in the construction. In the process of contact with water, algae will grow on its surface.
Excavation pit for a waterfall
First you need to identify the boundaries of the future design. The process takes place purely schematically, but it is precisely on the territory of the site on which its further construction is planned.
To do this, it is necessary to arrange stones and cobbles around the perimeter of the entire place intended for work. After that, the boundaries of the structure are marked with a garden hose.
The boundary marked with a hose is duplicated using ground chalk or lime, drawing its outlines directly on the ground. In the same way draw suitable places for the location of large cobblestones. Using picks and shovels, they proceed to the next stage of construction - the formation of pits and laying stones.
In any case, the pit for the pool located below should be lower than the level of the stream channel. Its shape should correspond to the shape of the tank that will be used to create the reservoir. At the same time, it should be at least 60 cm wider than the tank, which will serve to draw water and at least 15 cm deeper than the height of the tank.
The cobblestones must be laid so that in the end they will form a drain in the stream and the side walls of the pool at the top. Cobblestones are best placed on a mixture of earth and gravel. So they will stand more reliably.
Now you can proceed to the design of the banks of the creek stream. For this, stones about 30 cm high are suitable. They need to be laid with the flat side to the top. Only such styling will enable the next row to be sustainable. Use a rubber mallet to tamp the gravel with the ground next to the stones. This will fix them reliably.
The final works with the pool located below are on the arrangement of the tank for the lower pool and the location of the pump. To create a water supply system, holes in the tank will be needed. They are done with a drill, using nozzles of different diameters. In the lowest part of the tank, holes are drilled with a nozzle No. 5 approximately every 10 cm, for the middle part a nozzle No. 2.5 is suitable, for the upper part No. 1.
The pump has a hose adapter. It should be treated with a degreasing agent, and then apply glue.
Before starting to cover the pool, it carefully inspects and removes all foreign objects, especially those that have sharp corners, namely those that can damage the fabric and film.
Now you can start laying fabric and film at the bottom of the lower pool. First, fabric is laid, and a film is placed on top of it. The edges of the pool litter should protrude beyond its dimensions by at least 60 cm.
To do this, initially it is necessary to correctly calculate the sizes and fabrics and films. The edges of the film are neatly tucked in. After that, a container with a pump is immersed in the pit, a hose is connected to it and it is checked whether it is long enough and reaches the pool located at the top. A container with a pump is covered with a lid and stones are laid around it, layer by layer.
Waterfall Cascade Height
It is necessary to begin work on the formation of cascades of a waterfall with digging the channel. Initially, you need to dig steps of a certain height, that is, transitions. If there is no deepening in the ground, then it will be necessary to equip an elevation.
Such a formation will be the beginning of the construction of the waterfall. Now you can go to the part of the stream located below. The carved channel should be about 100 cm wide and about 20 cm deep. You need to move upward, moving from one waterfall to another. In this case, one must not forget to create the necessary bias.
After that, not very deep holes are dug with gently sloping edges under each of the already designed waterfalls. They will slow down the flow of water.
Forming the upper part of the stream (the one that will be above ground level), you need to well ram the gravel and earth located around the stones that form the rim. The height of the waterfalls is formed at will.
Such work should be done with the help of a level. It will help to avoid distortions. Making out the coastal zone of the stream, it is better to use stones with a height of at least 15 cm. It is advisable to make sure that there are no particularly convex or sharp edges in the channel area. Also, the following must be thoroughly compacted: the upper pool, both the inner and the outer part, the sides, the part of the gutter inside.
Waterfall waterproofing
In the flow trough, you need to evenly and gently place the lining. Then do the same with fabric and film. It is better to move from the pool located below to the pool above. It should be noted that each base of the waterfall should have a film reserve of about 10 cm. Such a reserve will prevent the formation of film breaks from the cobblestones standing on it. The lined film should not be a stretch. It is also necessary to take into account that both textiles and film must extend at least 60 cm beyond the sides of the pool and the gutter.
Stones are placed around each of the waterfalls to create a special design decor. Under each of the stones having a more or less heavy weight, it is better to put an additional piece of film. It will serve as additional protection for the main, from possible tears.
The free external ends of the film are sprinkled and tamped with earth, as well as in the case with the lower pool. There is no particular point in gluing the lining of the channel and the pool, for example with adhesive tape. It will be enough for the lining of the upper layer to cover the lining of the lower layer, approximately 60 cm.
Specialists guarantee that this option will not allow water to seep through the non-glued seam and at the same time fill the territory of the infield.
Combining the isolation of the gutter and the pool, decorate the junction with cobblestones. In order to make the waterfall structures with sufficient height more stable, the voids obtained between the stacked stones are filled with a mixture of gravel and earth and compacted in a thorough manner.
After laying the stone decor around the waterfall, you can proceed with the installation of flat stones. It is they who form the drain.
For fastening flat stones to the film, mounting foam is applied to their lower part, while laying, they try to firmly press the sides of the adjacent stone fragments. If during the laying process faults are formed between the bank of the gutter and the main drain stones, then they can be hidden using stones of a smaller diameter.
To fill the side parts and decorate the space between the drain stones, gravel can be used.
Now with the help of polyurethane foam fill all empty voids. The end result should be such that the water passes only along the top of each of the drain stones. After half an hour (this time period is quite enough for the foam to completely dry), you can do a test run of a jet of water.
You need to do this using a hose connected to the water supply. Having started water, it is necessary to pay special attention to drain stones and to understand whether water seeps under them or not. If not, then we can assume that this stage of the work is excellent.
If so, then all errors must be corrected. Otherwise, in addition to constantly pouring water into the system, it is still necessary to eliminate the problems caused by flooding of the garden.
The final stage of the construction of an artificial waterfall on a suburban area can be considered the installation of transitions-steps in the middle part of the stream. Steps will create the appearance of a natural stream and thereby attract a variety of animals.
The work is performed as described above:
- we use stones for lining pools of a waterfall
- the bottom of the upper basin will then need to be laid out with another layer of stones, but already smaller
- then you will need to create the illusion of a stone surface, for this, gravel of a fine fraction is covered with all the faults, where the film is still visible.
Choosing a pump for a waterfall
When choosing a pump for a waterfall on a personal plot, you need to rely on the following criteria:
- Level of production efficiency. This criterion directly depends on the water supply rate and is measured in liter / hour. It is important to understand whether the selected pump will raise water to the required height. This will help determine the special table that is attached to the equipment passport.
- Power. Most pumps are quite economical in power consumption. Almost all equipment of this kind is equipped with regulators, which make it possible, if necessary, to adjust the water supply.