Methods and methods of purification (filtration) of water in a private house, useful tips
Every representative of humanity knows the fact that water is the main and main source of life. But unfortunately, today not all water can be consumed right away - a large mass of all water requires purification. In the modern world, water is purified in various ways: using the latest water purification systems, a variety of filters, and folk methods.
- Home Water Purification
- Simple Ways to Purify Water - Filtration
- Types of filters video
- Methods of water purification in a country housevideo
- Stationary water treatment plants
- Filter Properties
Home Water Purification
The first, simplest method is boiling. Everything is simple here - water is poured into the kettle, put on fire, wait for the boiling process to begin, wait five minutes and turn off. Five minutes of boiling is very important, this time is enough for the death of all microorganisms and the evaporation of chlorine. After turning off the kettle, the water will cool and settle, all the heavy salts will settle on the bottom and you will be able to see for yourself what could enter the body without the cleaning process.
The second method is freezing. When freezing, not only unwanted microorganisms die, but its beneficial properties do not evaporate. This method is considered more acceptable than boiling. Here, water is drawn into a container suitable for the freezer, frozen, thawed and consumed. Moreover, they consume only 80% of thawed water, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare poured out, it is in the sedimentary layer that all substances harmful to people accumulate.
The third method is purification using natural materials. Ideal for this process are potassium alum. They are used in the following proportion: for every 4 liters of water add 1 gram of a natural purifier. When using alum, both impurities and bacteria are eliminated. When the cleaning process is completed, sediment can be detected at the bottom of the tank. You can get rid of it by filtering the water through several additions of gauze. The smell can also be eliminated. To do this, you need activated carbon. The elimination of odor with coal is as follows: tablets are placed in a glass flask, a cork with a pipette is attached to its lower part, water is poured into it from above. The liquid that will pass through the coal and exit the pipette will already be fully usable.
The fourth method is cleansing with natural stones. For this method, silicon and shungite are suitable. You can buy them at the pharmacy, where they are sold in powder form. The only nuance of this method is the following: it is necessary to ensure that the natural material fully interacts with the entire volume of liquid that needs to be cleaned.
Simple Ways to Purify Water - Filtration
To choose a suitable filter, you need to know about how much pure water is needed. A jug with a filter will be enough for the consumption of one person. This is a fairly rational and simple device that performs cleaning well. The displacement of such a jug may be different. Maximum reaches 3 liters. One replaceable cartridge for such a jug can purify approximately 400 liters of water. The main advantage of these filters is their ease of use: there is no need to connect them to a water tap. This system operates as follows: water poured into a container with a filter under the pressure of its weight passes through the filter and accumulates in the lower part of the jug.
Today on sale you can find filters that need to be attached to a faucet. They are presented in the form of nozzles. Use them as necessary dressing on the crane. Such filters have a significant drawback: in 1 minute they can clean no more than 1 cup of water.
There are filter options that are mounted in a faucet and work stationary - every time the valve turns. This option of filtering drinking water is used more often than others. In specialized stores, products of this type are represented quite widely. The difference between these products can be in appearance, quality of the material used as a cleaner, cleaning performance, image and cleaning system. Filters in such purification systems purify water from all kinds of impurities and toxic chlorine. Such filters clean about three liters of liquid every minute; they are able to clean about 15,000 liters of water efficiently, without replacing the cartridge.
Types of filters
There are three main types of water filters available for sale: multi-stage, three-stage and two-stage. Multistage filters are among the most efficient and expensive. The system of these filters is equipped with a mechanical flushing of the membrane, which acts every time you turn on the pump, purify the water and collect it in a tank. Also, this system has a computer control that regulates the pressure and quality of the filtered fluid. In addition, a computer system indicates the need to replace cartridges. Such a purification system includes five degrees of water purification:
- automatic cleaning - eliminates rust, clay, sand and other elements having a size of more than 5 microns;
- coal cleaning - removes active elements from water, including chlorine;
- cleaning with coal in briquettes - produces better filtration;
- reverse osmosis membrane - removes all possible impurities, viruses and bacteria (only water molecules can pass through such a membrane);
- final purification - activated coconut charcoal in granules - changes the taste of water for the better and removes an unpleasant odor.
Methods of water purification in a country house
Water supply of a country house is possible using a centralized water supply system, a well or a well. None of the options guarantees that the water will be sufficiently purified and suitable for drinking and cooking. In such cases, in order to select the most suitable treatment system, it is necessary to conduct an analysis in the laboratory and obtain a conclusion on the composition of water and the presence of chemical additives in it. Also in the conclusion will be indicated: water hardness, its radioactivity, the presence of heavy metals and other components. Today, it is these indicators that are the most problematic; combined systems are used to effectively eliminate them.
Principles of creating a filtration system:
- To create a filtration system, a methodologically sound chain of filters is assembled. Each link in it eliminates a separate type of impurities, therefore, for the rational choice of a cleaning system, you need to carefully weigh everything and think it over.
- Initially, you need to pay attention to the bandwidth and speed of the system. It is necessary to determine whether the owners of the house will have enough of the amount of purified water that the filter can give for a certain time.
- The types of filters and their number should be selected based on the conclusion obtained on the chemical composition of water. Almost all cleaning systems are based on the use of several types of filters, this allows for a phased cleaning of the liquid.
The first stage is a filter that is installed at the water inlet to the house. It purifies water from clay, sand and so on.
The second stage - filters for final water purification. Are established in those places where cranes are.
Absolutely all water filtration systems are equipped with removable cartridges with a certain period of use. But in any case, everything directly depends on the volume of purified water.
Stationary water treatment plants
There are many manufacturers that offer the installation of non-moving, permanent stations for water treatment. They are installed in special cabins, in the place where the water enters the house. Such stations operate from electricity, at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees. Such stations will help get rid of many unnecessary water qualities - turbidity, hardness, high amounts of iron, the smell of hydrogen sulfide. The system is equipped with many filters and components:
- compressor with aeration column - eliminates hydrogen sulfide, helps the process of iron oxidation, stops the multiplication of microorganisms;
- filter for eliminating metallic impurities - removes manganese, iron and the like from the liquid;
- filter for softening - it contains a special composition of resins, which softens the water;
- deep cleaning filter - it contains coal, which removes unnecessary odors and other impurities (the cartridge in it changes as needed);
- salt tank - needed to create a salt solution;
- the work of such a station is organized automatically or by timer.
Filter Properties
In the best quality purification filter systems, there are two main steps to remove impurities:
- mechanical removal of impurities;
- thorough cleaning of liquid from dissolved elements. The best option when this stage contains two substances for cleaning - an ion exchanger and activated carbon.
In today's market, water filters are represented quite widely. When buying a certain one, you need to find out whether it will be possible to put any cartridges into the flasks. If possible, then replacing them will not be problematic.
From all the above information, the following conclusions can be drawn: in order to choose the most suitable filtered water purification system, it will be necessary to take into account its chemical composition, which is necessary for the consumption of displacement, only then select filters with certain necessary fillers. Only a properly selected filtration system can improve the quality of the water used, and therefore the general condition of the people consumed by it.