Swimming pool in winter, pool preservation for winter, methods of preserving a stationary pool, frame pool, useful tips
Owners of pools installed in heated rooms can safely use ponds throughout the year. But if the structure, whether it is a stationary or frame structure, is installed in the open air, it will not be possible to avoid unnecessary trouble in anticipation of winter.
Of course, there are two options: to call a team of specialists, and having spent a certain amount of funds, get ready-made reservoir for the winter. But if there is enough knowledge and experience - all stages of the preparatory work and conservation can be done with your own hands.
We should not forget that this issue is quite serious and requires a competent approach, erroneous actions can lead to the fact that an expensive structure will be destroyed. The reason for this is the instability of winter temperatures, the alternation of frosts and thaws, which will provoke freezing and melting of soil around the structure and water in the pool itself.
Experts recommend planning the work in such a way that all its stages are completed by the onset of cold weather.
- Is it possible to leave the pool for the winter with water
- Frame pool in winter - features to keep in mind
- Preservation of the pool for the winter instruction (in detail) video
- How to store a frame pool in winter - do not forget about expansion joints
- Preparing the pool for the winter - choose the right water cover
- Useful Tips
Is it possible to leave the pool for the winter with water
In practice, it has been proven that the best option is a winter with a liquid-filled bowl. Firstly, this will help to keep the lining materials of the bowl in the best possible way. Secondly, the expansion of water that occurs during its crystallization can compensate for the pressure created by freezing soil.
This phenomenon is called soil swelling and it can cause destruction of structures, especially concrete. Those. the ice mass inside the pool will protect metal or concrete parts of the body from destruction.
But this does not mean at all that the pool can be left in the form in which it was operated in the summer - it is necessary to prepare the equipment and the liquid itself, which will winter in the bowl. The equipment will need to be dismantled; plugs should be installed instead.
Frame pool in winter - features to keep in mind
Since frame structures are of two types, namely, frost-resistant and seasonal, the actions aimed at their storage in the cold season will differ. Frost-resistant store on the street, directly at the place of their operation. Seasonal, as well as inflatable, will require dismantling.
The procedure for preparing for storage of a seasonal reservoir will be as follows:
- thorough cleaning of contaminants using non-aggressive detergents
- complete fluid removal including filter system
- thorough drying
- dismantling
- moving to a warm utility room
Frost-resistant pools are usually stationary, i.e. their wintering is organized in the same way as for stationary reservoirs of other types.
Preservation of the pool for the winter instruction (in detail)
Conservation is a process that requires a certain order of implementation and careful observance of certain rules and recommendations. Therefore, it is better to divide it into several stages.
outdoor pool in winter - how to prepare for conservation
First of all, it will be necessary to clean the autochlorator from the disinfectants available in the dispenser tank. Then it is recommended to flush the system for a quarter of an hour by applying the circulation process.
Next, the liquid in the tank is drained. Using soft sponges or brushes, thoroughly wash the walls and the bottom, if necessary, you can use cleaning products. They are selected depending on the material of the lining of the bowl.
Specialists recommend the use of German-made products, however, for some time now, domestic manufacturers have begun to produce good-quality products.
For work, you can use the available special equipment or handy devices. Caution should be given to surfaces for which the film was used to decorate - exposure to active chemicals that may be present in detergents of dubious origin can be detrimental to it.
All metal parts of the structure (handrails, stairs, lights, etc.) located underwater are also thoroughly cleaned - deposits usually accumulate on them.
A reminder of the need to observe all safety measures and safety precautions will not be amiss. Workers' clothes are necessarily water-repellent, shoes and gloves are rubberized. Do not forget about goggles and a respirator.
It is not recommended to allow cleaning or disinfecting solutions to enter areas adjacent to the pond.
dismantle all removable equipment
If we are talking about how to store the pool in the winter, stationary or frame, then as an important stage we are talking about the dismantling of equipment. During the winter, it should be stored indoors, if possible - in heated rooms.
When starting work, do not forget to turn off all devices!
After removing the filters and removing water through the tap, open the lid and transfer the filtrate to a prepared container. Flushing the filter - required!
The valve should be switched to the empty position, drain the remaining fluid.
Each of the elements of the hydraulic system that will not be dismantled should be freed from water.
Next, perform the dismantling of all available in the design of the fixtures. It will be necessary to remove the protective glasses, remove the devices from the niche, wires, they are isolated, removed and mounted on the top of the side.
The recesses that were used to install electrical appliances are closed with foam plugs, and nozzles that will not be covered by water are closed with them. To seal the free ends of the drain pipes, special plugs are used.
After completing the work you can equipment, you can fill the pool with water. This will require the use of preservative additives. Often use the drug Puripul, manufactured by the German company BAYROL.
The tool is intended to exclude the possibility of the development in unfrozen water of microorganisms of fungal and bacterial origin, silt deposits and algae.
Proper preservation involves bringing the liquid level to the previous one; when filling, the filter must be switched to the backwash mode. In order not to provoke damage to the equipment, it is not recommended to switch the valve when the pump is in working condition. The filter will need to be switched to a compression mode for a quarter of a minute, then normal filtering will continue. To completely purify the water, you will need to drive it away for a couple of hours, in normal mode.
The excess liquid is then drained, the level is oriented according to the height of the lateral nozzles, it is desirable to get the water level 100 mm below the line of their location.
chemistry for the pool for the winter
We mentioned the Puripul remedy, which is recommended for use during conservation. It makes sense to talk about it in more detail, when using the tool you will need to take into account very important points.
Ammonium compounds present in the preparation suggest the use of the recommended dosage. It can vary depending on water hardness. If it is used in the range of 3.5 mEq / l for every 10 cubic meters of liquid, 400 ml of the product, with a higher stiffness rate, within 5.3 mEq / l, 600 ml of preserving drug will be required.
The use of Puripula involves preliminary dilution in water in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting mixture will need to be distributed throughout the bowl, this will ensure uniform distribution of the active substance in the water mass. The effectiveness of Puripula is affected by the presence of algicide and chlorine in water.
The presence of chlorine in water in quantities exceeding 1 mg / l can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of Puripula. Experts recommend not increasing the dosage of chlorine or algaecide during the spring re-preservation process - spring cleaning of the pool with the active Puripul will be much easier.
How to store a frame pool in winter - do not forget about expansion joints
Since freezing water will change volumes from the expansion side, it will be necessary to consider the option using compensators, i.e. objects that can change their volumes as a result of the increasing external pressure created by water.
You can use any handy means as compensators:
- plastic water containers, cans
- car tires or polystyrene
Usually, all selected compensation means are connected with a strong cord and placed along the center line of the artificial reservoir. To slightly deepen a light plastic container, weights can be used. It can be bags of clean river sand. It is undesirable to use metal goods - they can leave rusty marks on the bottom of the bowl.
Similarly, several Garlands of compensators are created, placed along the walls, at a distance of about 10 cm from the sides. Foam bars can serve as good compensators.
Preparing the pool for the winter - choose the right water cover
The final step in the preservation procedure will be the installation of a protective blanket. Those who use such a tool in the summer and autumn will not have special problems. But it should be noted that only bedspreads made of materials that will not collapse from sudden changes in temperature and can withstand a lot of snowdrifts are suitable for winter.
Awning coatings are applied, they can be tarpaulin or made of PVC film. Bubble bedspreads are suitable for use, their cost is low, an additional advantage is the ability to accumulate the energy of the sun.
A more advanced, but expensive, option is the use of automatic shutters, they will serve as good protection of water from clogging and will extend the swimming season, as able to maintain water temperature at a level acceptable to humans.
Plastic constructions are distinguished by a rather high cost; they are made of aluminum profiles and polycarbonate sheets, which are distinguished by a good indicator of heat conservation.
To operate the artificial pond throughout the winter will require the installation of an electric heating system.
Useful Tips
Owners of water bodies with experience of self-care for them, as well as specialists from companies engaged in pool maintenance, strongly recommend:
- Do not use home-made shields made of wood or metal structures as a covering material for the pool, especially if you need to install them directly on the sides of an artificial reservoir. Excessive loads can cause damage or destruction of the walls.
- The preservation procedure should be carried out before the onset of frost. Depreservation - only after complete melting of the ice. Using mechanical forces to destroy the ice cover is extremely dangerous - you can damage the surface of the bowl.
- After depreservation, it will be necessary to wash all surfaces of the bowl, install the dismantled equipment, fill the bowl with clean liquid.