Shade tolerant plants
There are a huge number of plants that feel great in partial shade, and some of them prefer a shady location. Using our recommendations, you will avoid mistakes and disappointments, the reward for your work will be a beautiful garden for everyone to envy.
- Green arbor video
- Shady Path Design
- Flower beds in the shade of trees video
- Shrubs growing in the shade
- Grass giants
Green arbor
Instead of a covered gazebo, in a shady corner of the garden, a green theater variant with walls from trellises united in a semicircle, entwined with honeysuckle honeysuckle, clematis grape-leaved or girl's grapes is suitable. A combination of several plants alternating in planting looks very good.
Possible planting of annuals, long-woven with flowering. Near the gazebo, tall varieties of the catchment, or aquilegia, will look good.
Perennial herbaceous plants are perennial herbaceous plants that survive in winter most often due to a strong root system. Sensitive varieties, in the cold season, need winter protection, for example, shelter with fir spruce branches or foliage. Good soil in the garden is a condition for the development of perennial herbaceous plants. To get the magnificence of flowers, you should take care of a sufficient amount of nutrients in the form of compost, humus, organic fertilizers. During the summer season, constant watering and feeding of flowering plants is necessary.
Shady Path Design
For the design of a shady winding path, low-growing varieties of aquilegia, or catchment, are good.
These flowering plants do not look on one plant, it is better to plant them in groups. For planting along the path and gazebo, you will need a lot of plants.
The best option is to sow seeds directly into the ground in the fall, at the end of September.
Growing plants can be planted in a permanent place in two years, and full-fledged flowering catchments will be obtained only in the third year.
Flower beds in the shade of trees
Large spaces under the branches are well filled with flower beds.
Ferns feel very good in the shade. The most unpretentious of ferns: sensitive glue, ostrich ordinary, female stump and male thyroid.
Spore-bearing waii in onoclays resemble flowers in buds, and in an ostrich, sporiferous waii resemble frozen ostrich feathers.
It is very easy to propagate ferns by dividing adult plants or by separating young rosettes that are formed at the ends of the underground shoots of some fern species, in particular, an ostrich. Division is carried out in early spring, when the aerial part of the plant reaches a height of 5 cm. When autumn division, the plant next year gives weaker outlets than shared in the spring.
Joint planting of fern with hosts looks very nice. If you want a larger rosette of hosta leaves, cut the flower stalks, thus depriving it of flowering. Although it is better to leave flower stalks in adult plants, since the flowering of the host in partial shade is quite decorative. This is especially true for varieties with bright white or lilac flowers. Hosts, as well as ferns, are best divided in the spring, before the leaves open. Moreover, the hosts have a feature, after dividing, there is a more active growth of the bush.
When dividing, the bush is carefully dug up, on top between the leaves, an incision is made of the desired part of the rhizome, then carefully separated by hands. Such precautions will save the plants from damage to a large number of roots, which would certainly happen if the bush were cut to the end.
In these beautifully deciduous groups of ferns and host it is good to plant bog inhabitants, such as kaluzhnitsa, meadowsweet, and cornflower. These plants are shade-loving, unpretentious, have decent garden forms and varieties. In spring, they usually divide meadowsweet and cornflower, and after flowering, kaluzhnitsa.
Shrubs growing in the shade
From shrubs, in the shade, tree hydrangea grows well, common hazel is purple-leaved, Cossack juniper, western thuja.
These shrubs are easily propagated by cuttings.
Grass giants
Plants such as rhubarb, dicotyledonum, elecampane, tall varieties of astilbe, and buzulniki can be considered herbaceous giants.
These plants grow well in the shade, convenient for their mobility.
These plants can be replanted at least every year.
Once again, I want to remind you that shade-loving perennials love fertile, humus-rich soil, maintained in a wet state, but hardening is also unacceptable, except for marsh plants, which will be comfortable in a bog.