Stretch ceiling repair, is it possible to plug holes in the stretch ceiling, how to do it right, available methods
Stretch ceiling is a convenient and interesting design option for a modern interior, which has many indisputable advantages (unlimited decorative potential, moisture resistance, ease of installation). However, this method of decoration also has disadvantages: the possibility of sagging canvas, vulnerability to temperature fluctuations and fear of sharp objects.
Any of the defects requires urgent repair, and some problems cannot be fixed. Therefore, before starting the repair of the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to really assess the situation and understand: is it possible to reanimate the ceiling on their own or is it better to trust professionals?
- The main causes of damage to the stretch ceiling
- Eliminate defects in suspended ceilings
- Dismantling the stretch ceiling video
The main causes of damage to the stretch ceiling
Buying a high-quality stretch ceiling, most buyers rely on a reputable brand of products, excluding the possibility of various defects and repair of film panels. However, even the most expensive and durable stretch ceiling can be vulnerable.
There are a lot of ways to damage the surface of the tension coating. We list the most common reasons for repairing suspended ceilings.
Ceiling flooding. The material of the stretch ceiling is moisture resistant and elastic, therefore, when flooded by neighbors from above, the canvas is able to hold accumulated water for some time. This will serve as protection for furniture, household appliances, but the appearance of the ceiling is substantially deformed. The problem of flooding is most relevant for kitchens and bathrooms.
You can fix this defect yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. The main thing is to act quickly so as to prevent tearing of the web and the formation of mold.
The result of the repair will be largely determined by the type of stretch ceiling (fabric or PVC) and the temperature of the accumulated water. On fabric ceilings, most likely, there will be stains and the canvas will have to be replaced. The ceiling of a PVC film is more resistant to damage of this kind, but the effect of hot water will also be detrimental to it (the film will stretch irrevocably).
Replacing the blade will be expensive, but it will be significantly cheaper than the initial installation. Since you have to pay only for the web material, and the hinged structure remains in place.
Sagging of the ceiling with time.After a long service life, natural sagging of the material may occur. It should be noted that such a defect is mainly inherent only in poor quality paintings.
Sagging may occur with a significant increase in temperature in the room or, as a result of poor installation. Negative temperatures destroy the fabric of the stretch ceiling, so it is impossible to install them in unheated rooms. More often this defect can be observed on the ceiling with a large area.
Adhesion and retraction of the stretch ceiling.More likely to occur on PVC ceilings than on fabric ceilings. This can usually happen in windy weather. The main reason is not the tight space between the installed suspended ceiling and the main concrete ceiling. When a draft occurs, air flows try to penetrate through the cracks into the inter-ceiling space, and the canvas is pressed against the base of the ceiling.
Punctures and cuts of the cloth with sharp objects. Careless handling of sharp objects often leads to the formation of holes in suspended ceilings. Moreover, even if the canvas is of the highest quality, it is not insured against such defects. This applies equally to both PVC film ceilings and fabric ceilings.
You can hook and tear the stretch ceiling when moving tall furniture, not carefully opening the champagne. Particularly carefully you need to handle the ceiling, which is installed recently. It is better to refuse permutations at first (one or two weeks).
The likelihood of successfully repairing blade damage depends on the size, location, and configuration of the cut, hole, or puncture.
Poorly executed installation of the canvas or fastening structures. Typically, problems associated with improper installation and poor quality material relate to warranty cases and should be resolved by specialists free of charge.
Warranty defects are:
- gap at the seam most often this is due to factory defects and improper cutting of the canvas;
- clipping of a baguette is associated with unskilled installation.
If the warranty period has not yet expired, then you must contact the company that installed the suspended ceiling. Otherwise, you can try to repair the ceiling yourself (tear off the baguette) or order a new panel (gap at the seam).
Eliminate defects in suspended ceilings
sharp cuts, punctures
The technique for repairing a stretch ceiling with your own hands differs depending on the material of manufacture of the ceiling canvas. Actions in case of a defect in a fabric stretch ceiling (repair of a hole less than 2 cm in diameter or a cut no more than 2 cm in length) are aimed at fulfilling the main tasks:
- prevent an increase in the defect;
- remove the external manifestation of breakdown.
Repair sequence for fabric suspended ceilings:
- A cut, a deep scratch, a hole must be secured with tape or tape to prevent further breakage of the canvas.
- Decide on the repair method: sew, patch, or install a decorative (edge) or practical accessory (lamp).
- Before stitching the fabric, it must be carefully dismantled. It is necessary to sew in kapron thread (to match the color of the fabric), leaving an almost imperceptible stitch. If the seam is very noticeable after installing the ceiling, then it is advisable to paint the entire surface of the panel from the spray gun with water-based paint.
- The patch can be applied from the inside of the canvas or from the outside of the ceiling. The edges of the gap must be gently pulled together and attach the patch with the adhesive backing to the canvas. If the patch is not decorative, then it is better to paint it in the tone of the ceiling (after the glue dries).
- If the gap is too large and it is not possible to visually hide it, then it is possible to mount a lamp suitable for the interior at the rush site.
Fabric stretch ceiling with a cut or gap of more than 25-30 cm will have to be completely changed
PVC ceilings are more difficult to repair, and the principle of action is determined by the location of the cut or hole.
Consider the step-by-step repair of the stretch ceiling (the cut is not further than 10 cm from the edge of the wall):
- Opposite the cut, you must dismantle the baseboard and remove the damaged canvas from the baguette.
- The material must be heated, and after it acquires elasticity, tighten over the edge.
- Excess web can be trimmed and the mounting plinth in place.
With a harpoon mounting system, tighten the harpoon trim or glue the cable before tightening.
If the cut is located far from the wall and its size is no more than 2 cm in diameter, you can hide it with a patch of film. Usually, when installing the ceiling, the installers leave a small piece of PVC cloth, but if this is not the case, you can use another film and create a contrasting applique pattern on the ceiling.
A transparent sealant or special glue is applied to the patch of the right size. From the cut (hole) it is necessary to remove the electrical tape or adhesive tape, which kept from further breaking, and press the patch. Immediately after this, remove excess glue.
In an inconvenient place for repair, you can install a ventilation grill, a lamp or decorate with a decorative edging.
adhesion of the stretch web to the ceiling
The adhesion of a stretch ceiling can be eliminated in two ways.
First option. In the far corner of the room (you can behind the curtain) in the ceiling you need to cut a hole (50-100 mm in diameter). Secure hole size with tread ring. This option will solve the problem by equalizing the pressure. If desired, you can cover the hole with a ventilation grill.
This method has significant disadvantages:
- the appearance of the ceiling deteriorates;
- when you open the doors, windows in the room will siphon.
Second option It involves the complete dismantling of the stretch fabric and the sealing of all joints of the wall with the ceiling plate with construction foam. This option will protect the original attractiveness of the banner, but the process itself is more time-consuming and may require the involvement of specialists.
ceiling repair after flooding
Repeatedly there were situations when the impermeability of the stretch fabric saved an expensive repair of the room. It should be noted that this is one of the significant advantages of PVC suspended ceilings. We consider the sequence of repair of the canvas in stages:
- Immediately after detection of flooding, it is necessary to organize the discharge of water. To do this, prepare a large bucket, basin. It’s better to work together.
- It is necessary to choose a lamp (chandelier, spotlight) or ventilation located as close as possible to a bubble with water.
- Turn off the electricity.
- Carefully remove the chandelier by lifting the ceiling.
- Lead wires must be bent aside to protect them from the bay.
- One person holds a bucket near the drain hole, and the other raises the bubble with water, gradually moving the liquid to the drain hole. We must work slowly. If there is a lot of water, then it is necessary to move the liquid in parts, and repeat the operation until the water is completely drained.
- After draining, the ceiling must be left to dry completely on its inner surface.
- In order for the ceiling to quickly restore its shape in the place where there was a water bubble, it must be heated with a heat gun or household hairdryer.
If the ceiling is without holes (lamps, chandeliers, etc.), then you will not be able to drain the water yourself and you should immediately contact specialists
problems due to poor installation
If the ceiling canvas comes off the wall together with the fastening, this is a consequence of poor-quality installation. You can reanimate the ceiling yourself. To do this, install additional struts, and reinstall the canvas.
However, before repairing it is important to understand why the baguette was torn off: due to poor fasteners or improperly cut fabric. If the panel is narrow, then excessive tension could be created, which led to the separation of the baguette. In this case, it will not be possible to eliminate the breakdown on its own and a complete replacement of the blade is required. This is a warranty case, so the installer must bear all the costs of replacing the stretch ceiling.
Warranty cases that are not amenable to self-rectification include rupture of the web along the seam or sagging due to mismatch of the dimensions of the ceiling and the cloth.
Dismantling the stretch ceiling
Often, for a full repair of the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to dismantle it. The process of removing the ceiling depends on the method of attaching it: glazing (wedge), cam and harpoon.
At the beginning of dismantling, it is necessary to remove the ceiling plinth or decorative strip. To release the canvas, you need to loosen the mount as much as possible so that the fabric or vinyl film can slip out and not become deformed.
Rules for dismantling suspended ceilings:
- Non-harpooning methods of fastening (glazing bead, cam) provide for a tight pressing of the web, which leads to irrevocable deformation of the material. Therefore, after dismantling and reinstalling, most likely, you will need to install a wide baseboard that will cover the deformed places.
- With the harpoon method of fastening, the panel can be removed and reinstalled without damaging the material. A harpoon is soldered around the entire web, which is subsequently rigidly fixed to the mounted profile. The harpoon method is considered the most affordable and simple both in installation and in dismantling the stretch ceiling.
Repairing a stretch ceiling is a rather laborious process that requires certain skills. It is not always possible to solve some problems and eliminate visible defects independently, without the involvement of specialists. The rule works in this matter: The problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Therefore, it is necessary to handle the stretch ceiling carefully, trying not to exert mechanical and temperature effects on it.