Do-it-yourself fence on a personal plot of plastic bottles
If you think that an ordinary plastic bottle is just rubbish, and is completely useless for secondary use at your dacha, then you should definitely read our article and make sure that a plastic bottle is simple, versatile, affordable, malleable, durable construction, and not only material! And how we can use simple plastic bottles to create a beautiful, original and functional fence on a personal plot, we will tell in more detail.
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Do it yourself automatic sliding gate in the country
Automatic sliding gates are a wonderful option for a summer house or a private home. They are reliable, durable and easy to use. Today in the market of building materials there is a large selection of necessary components for gates, so you can build them yourself. To do this, it is enough to understand the principle of operation and take into account all the design features of the sliding gate, and when installing, adhere to the installation technology of fences of this type.
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Eurofence, what is it, how to build a "eurofence". DIY concrete fence
Are you a happy owner of a suburban area or still have not decided on the choice of fence? Then we can safely say that after reading the materials in this article, you will understand that the European development has recognized its innovation, which has found its niche at construction sites, and will make a choice in its favor. Our confidence is based on the fact that a concrete fence has a lot of advantages, which give the right to consider the euro fence as a fence, ideally suited for any territory. A wide variety of design solutions, high strength characteristics and the ability to install on any soil is not a complete list of the advantages of reinforced concrete structures. What are the rest? Read on.
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How to make a fence made of fiberglass concrete on a personal plot with your own hands
Previously unknown fiberglass concrete, used on a variety of construction sites as a material for the manufacture of various architectural elements of buildings and architectural structures (for example, for facade decoration), began to be in great demand in the era of the development of innovative technologies. Moreover, experienced builders are sure that this is an excellent material for the manufacture of fences. If you plan to install a fiberglass concrete fence on your homestead, but are not sure of your financial capabilities, which forces you to refuse to order a fence in a construction company, this article will come in handy, as you will find a detailed description of installation activities in it fiberglass concrete fence.
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Brazier do it yourself. How to make a barbecue - instructions, recommendations, features
In the summer cottage you can not only work, tirelessly processing the beds, weeding out weeds and doing landscaping. Sometimes, on a warm, clear evening, you can also gather in the garden with friends, flood the brazier and fry juicy, fragrant shish kebabs, from which hungry drool runs from one species. It is only necessary to prepare for this in advance and make a quality barbecue with your own hands, in which any meat will be cooked as if by magic.
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Options for decorative fences in the garden
Contrary to popular belief, not only a well-groomed garden, flower beds with exquisite plants or all kinds of decorative elements can become an adornment of a personal garden, but also a fence, which can be the embodiment of a whole art. That is why every owner of the house area seeks to diversify it in accordance with their aesthetic preferences and material capabilities, because instead of the usual boring fence made of concrete slabs, mesh netting or slate, you can, with a little imagination, build a decorative fence from a wide variety of materials, of which the construction market is a great many.
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Modern transforming furniture in the interior of a small apartment, useful tips
How to place a lot of useful and functional, as well as simply vital, as well as very beautiful and original furniture in a small apartment? At the same time, how can you leave enough free space so that the furniture does not cause stress and injuries? If these questions haunt you, then our article is for you! After all, it will discuss what transformer furniture is and how it can save from cramped living in a small apartment and improve the quality of life of all family members.
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How to decorate a fence in the country with your own hands
All buildings sooner or later tend to become worthless, and the fence in this case is no exception. If recently a new fence under the influence of atmospheric factors has lost its former attractiveness and ceased to fulfill its decorative function in addition to its direct purpose, or if it was not originally a work of art, to put it mildly, it's time to think about how to decorate the fence to the delight of oneself and the envy of neighbors. Given the wide variety of materials and design solutions for decorating the fence, the task will not present any difficulties, and how to do it quickly and with taste we will tell in our article.