Inflatable pools for giving, we save money and have fun
Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter. Let us listen to folk wisdom and start cooking No, not a cart, but an inflatable pool. And although it’s far from the July heat, nevertheless, we have at least two reasons to engage in pools in advance. The first is that we have enough time to think things over, pick up and properly spend the cherished thousands. Second, since these products are not in season, we can purchase a pool at a significant discount.
So, as follows from the title of the article, we have to figure out what to buy, how to save, and at the same time enjoy the acquisition. How to combine these three tasks? About it further.
- Which inflatable pool to buy video
- Pool accessories or something you can't do without
- How to save money on maintenance video
Which inflatable pool to buy?
There are three categories of inflatable pools:
- children’s;
- adults
- family or combined.
Pools for children should be selected taking into account age:
- from 1.5 years, a tank with a side height of 15 to 20 cm is suitable, the volume is not large (about 50 l), but the sea is for the kids pleasure;
- from 3 years are sold with a wall height of up to 50 cm;
- from 7 years with a wall height of up to 70cm, the volume of such a tank is more solid - up to 400l.
The following species is classified as adult. Such tanks have a wall height of over 120cm, a diameter of 3 meters and a volume of up to 16m3.
The following is the category of family pools, these are, as a rule, tanks with wall heights of up to 80cm and a diameter of up to 3m. Adult will not be able to swim enough, but the kids already have where to deploy.
By the nature of the installation, pools are of two types:
- with walls of cavities, i.e. we pump up air and we get a ready reservoir;
- bulk, only the upper side of the pipe is inflated, then as the water is filled with water, the board rises with air and our artificial reservoir acquires its appearance.
Move on. The bottom of the pool. Which is better? Family and children's pools are available in two versions: with an inflatable bottom or a regular one. The first option is much better in that:
- does not require careful preparation of the platform under the bowl;
- safer for children, as An air cushion will cushion any jump or fall.
When choosing a tank, be sure to check the drain valve. For small pools, this issue is not relevant, and you can scoop out a couple of buckets. And what to do with 5, or even with all 15 tons of water? Ideally, it should be so that without special problems we could connect a garden watering hose (13 25 mm in diameter). Then you can drain the water, and water the beds with flower beds at night.
When buying, be sure to pay attention to the presence of reinforcement. Such a pool is more durable, and therefore more durable. By the way, when tanks for adults have hard sides for sitting, it is very convenient.
Such parameters as color, shape and children's attractions - you can easily pick it yourself.
Pool accessories or something you can't do without
What do we need besides the bowl of the tank. Note that many models, such as Intex inflatable pools, come with all kinds of special vacuum cleaners, filters and net. If they do not require a separate board, take it, it may work. If the equipment is less scarce, then we need to buy the following range of accessories:
- For an inflatable children's pool, a sunshade is required. It is very good when it is sold in a kit, it seems to complement the pool and at the same time has the most diverse form (mushroom cap, sail, etc.);
- A pump is mandatory, reputable manufacturers very rarely offer a complete pool without it;
- For deep pools with a side height of 70 cm we need a special ladder;
- Filter with pump for distillation and water purification;
- Necessarily a net for collecting leaves and other garbage from the surface of the water;
- Awning of the appropriate size to cover the surface of the water at a time when the pond is not used.
All other accessories and additions in the form of an electric heater for water (heats up no more than 1 degree per hour at a power of 3 kW), floating containers for chemicals, etc. at your discretion. You can do without them.
How to save money on maintenance
So, we examined how to choose a pool + for giving an inflatable, and on which accessories you can save. Now let's say a few words about chemicals, without which the maintenance of large pools is simply not possible. Why is it impossible? Judge for yourself. If you have 50 100 liters in the tank, then yes, you can simply change the water regularly and that’s it. And if it has 10 tons of water, then how? But the water will have to be changed every 4 days. Where to dial it so much and where to merge in the country? What can be done? There are two options:
- apply standard chemicals to artificial ponds (expensive);
- use proven alternative means, which will significantly save on pool maintenance.
Of the standard care products, we can not do without special tests of water for stiffness and collagen. Everything else can be changed to alternative options. There are several of them:
- To replace the chlorine generator, you can use the usual White (10% chlorine solution), pour into a tank at the rate of 100 g. per ton of water, leave overnight. And in the morning we turn on the circulation pump and filter;
- An even better option is hydrogen peroxide. It is safer, since there are no harmful substances at all (chlorine, etc.). Peroxide is converted to water and oxygen. Purification of the reservoir with peroxide is done as follows. We take 700 gr. 37% solution per ton of water. Fill it overnight, turn on the pump in the morning and filter. All you can swim. Enough of this method for 2 3 weeks. This option is also good because the water is fully suitable for irrigation, i.e. safe for plants and people.
And finally, three more recommendations to increase the enjoyment of using the pool:
- when filling the tank, we pour water under the ring itself, this will prevent the pool from creeping out, it will retain its original shape for the entire period of operation;
- it is advisable not just to level the area under the bottom of the bowl of large pools - you need to sprinkle with sand, or even better, make the litter of foam or ordinary paving slabs. This will allow you to keep the water temperature longer and significantly extend the life time of the bottom of the pool;
- filling the pool with water is best organized through a filter for rough cleaning (flask + filter). Filters come in various degrees of purification from 1 micron. What will it give? Almost complete purification of water from mechanical particles and iron. Less dirt in the water less will have to clean the pooln
It's all. Have a good choice and a lot of fun for the whole family.