Melon cultivation in open ground: varieties, planting characteristics, subtleties of care
To show your skills to a gardener or gardener, you need very little - to successfully grow and obtain the fruits of the plant in areas for which this culture is considered unconventional. And if the long-term labor of growing a tree can be destroyed by too severe winter frosts, then with annual crops the situation is much simpler: it is quite possible to create suitable conditions for the period of their growth. In addition, modern developments of biologists and agronomists have led to the creation of varieties resistant to low temperatures and characterized by a shortened development period. For example, super-early varieties of melons allow the cultivation of melons in the middle lane.
- Melon - the origin of the plant, its main characteristics
- Melon cultivation - what conditions can be considered ideal
- Growing melon in the middle lane - how to choose the right seeds
- What conditions will need to be provided for the harvest video
- Technology for growing melon in the middle lane
Melon - the origin of the plant, its main characteristics
By origin, melon is a plant of the pumpkin family, and the species is cucumber. This gourd is a false berry. The homeland of melons is considered South India and Africa. Like all southern plants, melon likes well-lit areas, it tolerates drought quite easily, but low air temperatures and excessive moisture in the soil are poorly tolerated by it.
Melon yields good yields. Under optimal growing conditions, up to 8 fruits can grow and ripen on each stalk; each of them can weigh from 1 to 10 kg. Their ripening lasts from two months to six months.
Modern biologists' developments and ongoing breeding work have led to the appearance of early, short-growing varieties that are resistant to cold, so melon cultivation in the open ground, and giving good results, can be observed quite often in the middle lane today.
Melon cultivation - what conditions can be considered ideal
As we have already mentioned, unshaded beds should be allocated for planting gourds. For seed germination, a temperature of +17 C will be required, but higher values \u200b\u200bare considered ideal - from +25 to 35 C. For growth and active development of melons, it will take +25 - +30 C during the day, and at least +18 at night. The possibility of waterlogging of the soil and air should be excluded - otherwise gourds are threatened by serious diseases caused by fungi. The optimal humidity is about 60-70%.
Growing melon in the middle lane - how to choose the right seeds
The choice of melon seeds should be treated correctly: pay attention to hybrids and varieties that are resistant to temperature extremes, a short growing season, and rapid ripening of fruits. The selection of varieties with such characteristics on the shelves of seed shops is quite wide. It is possible to get high yields with excellent taste qualities almost annually, of course, subject to the recommendations on cultivation agricultural technology.
Experts do not recommend growing Central Asian melons - in the middle lane they produce poor seedlings and weak bushes, their flowering is not very intense, and fruit production is possible only in the case of an abnormally hot summer.
The best varieties for the middle strip are:
- hybrids of Aikido, Galileo, Scythian Gold, Cinderella, Polydor, Millennium,
- varieties Iroquois, Ozhen, Sweet pineapple.
They all differ:
- resistance to mildew and fusarium infection,
- fairly high sugar, about 8-12%,
- rapid ripening of fruits,
- the mass of fruits, depending on growing conditions and varieties, can be from 0.8 to 2 kg.
So, in order to get a tasty result, a melon should be planted for the middle band, the varieties of which we recalled above, the second indispensable condition will be the creation of conditions suitable for its cultivation.
What conditions will need to be provided for the harvest
Normal growth of the bushes will be ensured by planting on light and medium loamy soils rich in organic additives, heavy loams and sandy soils can provide yield only if proper portions of mineral fertilizers are applied, but in any case, the taste of the crop will be lower.
Melon is a southern plant, surprisingly, but it can withstand an increase in soil temperature to +63 degrees C, air - up to +43 degrees. At the same time, a decrease in air temperature to + 15C will help to slow down growth, to + 10C - its cessation, -1C will cause the death of the plant. The optimum temperature for melon development is considered to be from +30 to + 40C.
Melon prefers well-lit beds. Lack of light can lead to a significant gap in the flowering period of male and female flowers, which adversely affects the amount of ovary. Slowing down of photosynthesis, which is observed in cloudy weather, leads to a decrease in the activity of accumulation of dry substances and sugars in fruits.
Similar phenomena can be observed as a result of artificial shading of plants - in the case of crowded planting. Therefore, compliance with the required planting density is a prerequisite.
Interestingly, with its photophilousness, gourds tend to bloom earlier at 12 hours of light, with an increase in daylight, the flowering period begins later. If the daylight reaches 8 hours - the plant slows down growth.
The root system of melons is very well developed, reaches the soil layers in which moisture is retained even in the heat. The growth is practically not affected by a decrease in air humidity. Melons can withstand drought, but timely watering and fertilizing will help increase yields.
For planting melons, you can use the same beds for no more than two years. The best predecessors for melons are considered the lands on which they were grown: winter wheat or barley, corn for silage, onions or cabbage. Planting a crop on one site for 3-5 years in a row leads to soil depletion, lower yields, and increases the susceptibility of plants to morbidity.
Technology for growing melon in the middle lane
Studies show that it is possible to grow a full-fledged crop in the middle lane if technology is used to grow melons from seedlings, under temporary cover from a film or in greenhouses.
how to grow melon seedlings
To obtain high-quality seedlings, planting seeds in pots will be required - it is undesirable to allow damage to the root system of plants. To obtain a full-fledged seedling, it will take from 30 to 35 days. The diameter of the pots is 10 cm, 2 seeds can be planted in each of them. If unprocessed seeds are purchased, then before planting, they are soaked for half an hour in a purple solution of potassium permanganate, then washed under running water. Germination of seeds is also practiced, it is especially effective if it is produced in a special solution of trace elements throughout the day.
Seeds are sown in late April, when seedlings reach 30 days of age, they are sown in the soil. During this period, frosts are practically not observed.
The optimal place for growing seedlings is greenhouses or greenhouses, but if there are none, then you can use the window sill, or any suitable place, but with the organization of illumination - a fluorescent lamp located at a height of 15 cm above the seedlings.
As a soil for seedlings, use a mixture of earth from the garden, loose humus, it is advisable to add a half-liter can of ash to the bucket of the mixture. If the soil is heavy add peat. The soil must be steamed, then add to it:
- 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate,
- 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.
Germinated seeds are sown to a depth of one and a half centimeters, covered with polyethylene, left at a temperature of +20 C.
A greenhouse or a greenhouse should provide reliable protection of plants from frost, adequate lighting. If a window sill is used to grow seedlings, it will be necessary to provide for the possibility of hardening plants.
Watering is carried out to prevent water from entering the stems. To do this, the soil around the stem should be formed conically. Watering is required moderate - if there is too much moisture - an outbreak of rotting the basal neck.
Seedling is fed twice:
- the first - dissolved mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:15), with the addition of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of superphosphate;
- the second - with mineral fertilizers: Mortar or Kemira universal.
The readiness of seedlings for planting is evidenced by the presence of from 4 to 5 true leaves.
how to plant seedlings in the ground
Return spring frosts can be observed before the onset of June, at an earlier date, planting seedlings is impractical. To grow melons in open ground, it is recommended to cultivate high beds (10-15 cm), 0.3-0.4 m wide, on such plants are planted in one row, or 0.9 m wide - in 2 rows.
The soil is carefully dug up, while adding to each square meter:
- 1 bucket of compost or humus,
- 1 tbsp superphosphate,
- 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate,
- 1 teaspoon of urea.
The prepared bed is watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or vitriol (a tablespoon in a 10-liter bucket of water). After drying, make holes at a distance of 0.4 - 0.5 m, plant seedlings. Arcs over the planted plants are covered with film. The height and width of the arcs should be about 0.7 m. In case of an unexpected decrease in the temperature of the arc over the film, additionally wrap it with old polyethylene or any materials that will prevent overcooling of air under the film.
In warm sunny weather, the film should be opened to ventilate the plants. It is recommended to remove the film in the twenties of June (weather conditions should be taken into account). During this period, flowering begins, for pollination, it will be necessary to open the access of insects to flowers.
After removing the film, the beds are weeded, the shoots are evenly distributed over their territory.
basic rules for caring for melons
Watering is carried out once a week, with warm water, under the root, avoiding the soaking of the root neck. In hot weather, watering is carried out in the evening, in cool weather in the morning. Loosening of the soil will be required after each watering, weeding should be stopped when the leaves of the plants are closed.
Watering plants is limited during the period when fruit ripening occurs.
Fruit ovary occurs on the lateral shoots, so after the appearance of the sixth leaf, the main stem needs to be pinched - this will cause more active branching. Female-type flowers appear on the first or second nodes of the lateral branches.
After the formation of two or three fruits, all appearing ovaries are removed, and the tops of the shoots are pinched. Lateral shoots without ovary are removed - this will improve the illumination of plants.
Feeding is carried out after 1 or 2 irrigation. At the same time, nitrogen fertilizers should be strictly standardized - they cause too rapid growth of the vegetative mass, but significantly reduce productivity. Fertilizing produce alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers. You can also use herbal infusions. Until the melons begin to bloom, you can pour them with a solution of ammonium nitrate or mullein, the flowering period will require the use of full mineral fertilizers.
An alarming symptom is agronomists consider the increased growth of one of the fruits when all the others are yellow - this means that the plant does not receive enough nutrition. To improve the situation, you will need to organize additional dressing. You can use slurry (1:10) and urea. Periodically watering should be carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate.
pests and diseases
A particularly important point is the fight against diseases and insect pests. Here are the most common ones.
Fusarium - caused by fungi, reduces productivity and taste. Symptom - the leaves become grayish and spotty. Plants die from Fusarium for several days. Infection occurs through the root system, planting melon in the same place significantly increases the risk of an epidemic. The fight against fungal infection is:
- in refusing to plant melons on these beds for 6-7 years,
- collecting and burning all diseased plants,
- carrying out deep autumnal plowing,
- seed treatment before sowing a solution of 40% formalin (5 min),
- uniform watering that does not cause excessive moisture,
- loosening the irrigation furrow,
- spraying melons with a solution of potassium chloride.
Often the death of the plant is caused by powdery mildew, which manifests itself by the appearance of spots on the lower, and then the upper part of the leaves, lashes and stems. The fight against the disease is:
- in the alternation of cultures,
- thorough cleaning of areas from infected plants,
- in spraying plants with a wettable sulfur powder when the slightest signs of the disease appear and the procedure is repeated every 10-12 days.
Copper or anthracnose - initially manifests itself in the appearance of brown spots on the sheets, deformation, drying out, the lashes suffer - they thin and break off, the fruits change shape and rot. Control measures include:
- in the right agricultural technology,
- ground sulfur treatment
- spraying Bordeaux mixture.
The most common insects harmful to melons are:
spider mites
tobacco thrips. As effective methods of control, agrochemical treatment can be recommended: Fufanon, Commander Maxi, Actellik, Kemifoks, Fitoverm.