Organic fertilizers on your site
As organic fertilizers, manure, humus, bird droppings, compost, peat, green manure (green fertilizers) are used. Litter manure consists of solid and liquid animal excreta and the litter itself. The value of manure depends on the type of animal, litter and storage methods.
For example: most of the phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium are found in sheep manure. Further, as the presence of these elements decreases, there is pork, horse, cow. In addition, manure contains all the trace elements necessary for plants. This is a basic organic fertilizer of long action.
The yield increase when applying manure on light soils is observed for 3-4 years, for heavy 5-6 years. The best way to store manure is cold, for this, a site with dense soil is allotted, and if the soil is sandy, lay the film. Manure is stacked in a stack of 2 meters wide, 1.5 meters high of arbitrary length, on top they cover it with a film in 1-2 layers.
Manure should be brought to a half-rotted state, and then applied to the soil. The dose of manure in the soil is 4-6 kg. per square meter. Under the early vegetables, manure should be applied in the fall, and under the late vegetables (cucumber, pumpkin, squash), especially in sandy soils, manure is introduced in the spring.
Bird droppings
Bird droppings are a very good, fast-acting organic fertilizer with a high content of essential nutrients that are in a form easily accessible to plants. Dry bird droppings contain nitrogen 45 gr., Phosphorus 35 gr., Potassium 20 gr. in terms of kilogram of litter.
Its duration is approximately a year. Currently, poultry farms produce dry droppings in the form of granular granular fertilizer, which has a number of positive properties: it does not contain germinating weed seeds, pathogens, and does not have a sharp unpleasant odor.
It is necessary to store fresh bird droppings, like litter manure, in a cold way, composting it when stacking in a pile of various materials that absorb moisture: sawdust or straw. Dry droppings are stored in plastic bags, barrels, containers protected from moisture.
Bird droppings are used to fertilize garden and vegetable crops, both in-kind, for main dressing, and diluted in water for feeding. The dose of wet manure per square meter is 0.4-0.5 kg., Dry - 0.2-0.3 kg.
Spread it on the surface of the site should be evenly and immediately close up into the soil. For liquid top dressing, bird droppings are diluted with water, immediately before applying one to ten, mixing well. The dose of dry droppings is taken in half, diluted with water in advance so that the nutrients can dissolve.
On light sandy soils it is very good to mulch plants with chicken droppings with a layer of 10-15 cm. Do not be afraid to use bird droppings, but do not pour it directly under the roots of plants, but only from above, through a layer of earth.
Compost is a well-rotted organic fertilizer, properly prepared compost has a homogeneous mass of dark color and crumbles well.
This is the most effective and useful organic fertilizer, quickly increasing soil fertility and creating the most favorable condition for the growth and development of almost all plants.
The most effective and useful is considered to be compost prepared using effective microorganisms (EM) contained in the EM preparation Baikal M1.
The acids contained in the EM - solution decompose the fiber of organic matter, releasing nutrients from it for EM. Those, in turn, absorbing them - multiply intensively and secrete even more acids for the decomposition of fiber.
If ordinary compost is prepared within several years, then EM compost can be used a week after laying, and it is the most productive source of soil revitalization, significantly increasing the yield.
Cooking EM Compost
Any organic material is suitable for preparing EM compost: manure, straw, tops, weeds, sawdust, food waste, etc. Large fragments are preferably crushed.
The more varieties of organics, the higher the nutritional value of compost. Do not be afraid of the roots of tenacious weeds and their seeds, as they will lose their properties.
The presence of manure or bird droppings increases composting speed and nutritional value.
You can make compost from clean manure but to do it, in order to avoid fire and loss of nutritional qualities, it is better anaerobic way. Such EM compost will have a full range of useful qualities, promote growth, fruiting and plant protection, its nutritional value will increase 5-10 times, and application rates will naturally decrease.
In addition to organic matter, fertile soil must necessarily enter the compost, about 10% of the total mass, distribute it evenly. This helps retain moisture and nitrogen compounds. It is good to add other porous materials: straw, dry branches, leaves, etc.
Compost is poured evenly with one to one hundred EM solution. It is very important, both for speed and quality of the process, to maintain humidity of 45-50%. To determine the moisture, take compost in the palm of your hand and with moderate compression, it begins to release fluid. EM consumption: one liter per ton of organics and 0.5 liters per ton when composting clean manure. The optimum temperature for the preparation of EM compost is 28-35 degrees.
Aerobic compost
Aerobic composting is used for faster fermentation of organics. All components are laid loose, without compaction. When laying the compost heap, drainage is first arranged - a layer of broken brick or stones, sticks, branches is laid.
A layer of straw is laid on top of the drainage, to enhance air access, the shoulder must be laid evenly, have a conical shape. After 5-10 days, it is advisable to mix the pile and pour it with an EM solution. After 1.5 - 2 months, the compost is ready, but you can make it in a week.
When aerobic composting is necessary to monitor the temperature of the collar. When (burning) i.e. raising the temperature to 40 degrees, the shoulder must be watered with water to maintain the nutritional value of compost. If the temperature reaches 60 degrees, then the organics decompose very quickly, almost the entire microflora dies, including pest larvae and weed seeds. Therefore, it makes sense to wait for (burning) the compost or even call it artificially, i.e. pour a bunch of hot water with a temperature of about 80 degrees, after cooling, the EM solution is introduced into the nutrient medium that is practically ready for the EM. If it is not possible to monitor the temperature in the heap, this type of compost should not be laid.
Anaerobic Compost
To prepare anaerobic compost, you must: dig a hole up to 0.5 meters deep, lay, trampling, all the organics. EM solution is applied in layers 1: 100 and cover the pit with a film, throwing it with earth. The nutritional properties of such compost are much higher, due to the strong development of anaerobic EMs, namely those that contribute to the growth of the crop and increase its quality.
The complete conversion of organics to humus soil can last from 2 to 5 months and will depend on the composition, particle size and also on air temperature. You need to know that a longer composting process increases the nutritional value of the fertilizer.