Spring garden treatment
Properly performed garden treatment in the spring from diseases and pests is the key to a good harvest and plant longevity. All protective measures should be carried out before budding, when a stable positive temperature is established in the yard. To protect plants, it is convenient to take ready-made chemicals sold in gardening stores. You can also always try old, time-tested folk remedies.
- How does processing begin? video
- Plant protection with proven drugs video
- Processing currant bushes in spring
- How to spray plants properly
How does processing begin?
Before you begin gardening, you need to carefully inspect all the trees and shrubs. After such an inspection, you will know exactly how all the plants were wintered and it will be possible to draw up a plan for the upcoming work on processing the garden in early spring. During inspection, special attention should be paid to the trunk and the main branches of trees, since it is under the lagged bark that pests can hide. Old, exfoliated bark must be removed with a spatula. It is best if it is plastic, since it is very easy to damage the living tissue of the iron with iron.
All cleaned areas must be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate. To protect the wounds of trees and fruit shrubs, a 1% solution is needed: 100 g of vitriol per 10 l of water. It is also good to use a weak solution of manganese for these purposes. Such measures are taken to destroy nests of harmful insects and prevent the development of fungal diseases.
After the trees have been cleaned of old branches, bark and moss, you need to treat the trunks with a solution of lime or a special water-based emulsion or water-dispersion paint. The main requirement for such whitewashing is that the whitewash mixture should allow the cortex to breathe and be resistant to water (not washed off for a long time). For the stability of whitewash, clay, laundry soap, casein or PVA glue are added to the main composition.
Attention! Whitening is necessary not only for adults, but also for young trees! This will protect them from sunburn of the bark and frost pits.
Simultaneously with these works, the processing of existing wounds and sections on trunks and branches is carried out. Damaged places are cleaned with a garden knife, then disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and spread with garden varnish.
This video is about how to get a snow-white protective whitewash that lasts a whole year.
Plant protection with proven drugs
In spring, spraying the garden begins when the temperature column is stable at + 5C. The advantage of this pore is that the buds have not yet opened and all branches are clearly visible. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the last year's state of plants, what pests and diseases they were exposed to. After that, you can begin the implementation of all protective and health-improving procedures.
Attention! Do not spray all the trees and shrubs with the same solution.
All preparations for spraying the garden must be carefully selected, depending on the processing method and the active substance. For different types of pests and diseases, different chemicals are used. And do not forget that the best preparations for spraying the garden are old, time-tested remedies.
All gardeners know that copper sulfate is the cheapest and most effective drug for treating the garden from pests and diseases. It is used from brown rot, scab, black cancer, curly leaves, moniliosis, coccomycosis, klyasterosporioz, etc. All kinds of aphids are afraid of copper sulfate.
To destroy mosses and lichens, they take iron sulfate. It is necessary to dilute 200 g of iron sulfate in 10 liters of water.
The popular Bordeaux liquid is most often prepared in proportion: 100 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of quicklime are taken per 10 liters of water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, filtered and applied until the buds open, if there is a predisposition to diseases: gray fruit rot, scab, grape anthracnose, currant rust. The mixture has proven itself as a disinfectant. Bordeaux mixture is not subject to storage, so there is no point in preparing it with a margin.
To destroy wintering pests that are deeply buried under the bark (moths, ticks, scale insects, aphids, leafworms), nitrofen is used in the form of a 60% paste. The paste is bred in water according to the instructions. Nitrofen helps get rid of not only pests, but also all kinds of pathogens, scab, and is also an excellent disinfectant.
To treat the garden in the spring from pests, a 76% oil-in-oil emulsion, which is best known as Preparation No. 30, has proven itself well. To prepare a solution, 300 g of the preparation is dissolved in 10 l of water. In the spring, this liquid helps to cope with the larvae of scale insects, false shields, and eggs of fruit mites. However, the preparation No. 30 is poorly active in relation to tartar, leafworms and apple moth.
To obtain mineral oil emulsions are required:
- Copper or iron sulfate
- Soap
- Clay or kaolin
Apply this mixture only in the early spring until the buds open. At temperatures above 30 ° C, the emulsion can cause severe burns to the cortex. Spraying the garden with mineral oil emulsions is carried out to combat scale insects, aphids, codling moths, honeypots and other insects.
Urea treatment of the garden is for gardeners, without exaggeration, the favorite way to deal with the invasion of pests and diseases. To process fruit trees and shrubs, 0.5 kg of urea per 10 liters of water is bred. At the same time, the mixture that enters the soil is also very useful, it is an excellent organic fertilizer for the whole summer. Processing plants should be exclusively fresh solution, it is not subject to storage.
Processing currant bushes in spring
Particular attention should be paid to currant bushes. During this period, the foundation is laid for a future berry crop on healthy and strong bushes. In spring, the processing of currants begins with cleaning the bushes, pruning dry, weak and damaged branches. Also, cut off those branches that were crushed to the ground with snow. On average, 14-15 branches of different ages should remain on the bush. If any of the tops froze, then it should be cut to the first healthy kidney.
All cut branches need to be burned, as they may contain wintering pests or spores of pathogenic fungi. After cleaning, the soil under the bushes needs to be dug up, this will increase the access of fertilizers to the roots and cause damage to large clusters of insect pest larvae. In order to determine what to process the currant bush, you need to find out what pests and diseases you are dealing with. For example, if the aphid was found before the leaves appeared, then the Furanon insecticide can be used.
The main feature of processing fruit bushes in spring is scalding them with boiling water. The water temperature during this treatment should not exceed 80C. This will not harm the bushes, but the parasites will definitely die!
Advice! Always carefully read the instructions for the drug used and follow it. Do not exceed the permissible concentration so as not to harm the plants and not nullify all your efforts!
How to spray plants properly
For spraying garden trees and shrubs, it is best to purchase a high-quality sprayer with extension cord. In extreme cases, you can use a hand pump. When dispensing, the substance should be sprayed with tiny droplets. To do this, the spray tip is kept at an optimum distance of 70 cm from the tree.
In garden shops, a wide selection of equipment is presented from simple grandfather sprayers to the most modern with telescopic booms.
It is necessary to process a tree or bush from all sides, while the sprayed stream is directed from the edge to the central part. This procedure must be worked out with each major branch separately. The ground under and around the plants also needs to be cultivated. So the spores of pathogenic fungi and pests that survived under the fallen leaves will be destroyed.
Do not forget about personal safety and protection measures. When treating the garden in the spring against diseases and pests, wear a respirator, protective gloves and waterproof clothing. A headgear with brim and safety glasses are also needed. You have to work with active environments, so taking care of your own health will not be superfluous!