Use of sawdust. Sawdust as a heater has been used since ancient times. Despite the appearance of modern means of insulation, many turn to the old, proven method
Wood shavings produced by processing wood are called sawdust. This material is quite widely known, it is often used in the form of insulation for floors and roofs, as it retains heat remarkably, serves as a raw material for the production of wood resin, and perfectly serves as a filler-baking powder.
- Application area
- We use sawdust as a heater
- Features of use
- What threatens the use of unprepared material
- We warm the house with sawdust with our own hands
- Sawdust with cement as a heater - the rules for quality insulation video
- Warm plaster - we use clay and sawdust as a heater
- Sawdust as a floor heater video
- Characteristics of chipboard material
- Sawdust with lime as a wall insulation
- We warm the ceiling with sawdust video
Application area
In the old days in villages, it was customary to make the house overlapping from a mixture of sawdust and clay. This overlap has a long service life and has no drawbacks. The main advantage is its relatively low cost and high thermal insulation qualities. Modern industry, taking them as a basis, makes the following building materials - granules, concrete with impurities of sawdust, wooden blocks, wood concrete. Today, there are two main areas of their application - construction (thermal insulation, sound insulation) and the field of agriculture.
We use sawdust as a heater
Today it will be far from easy to find financially more favorable material for insulation. For the insulation of roofs, ceilings between floors, ceilings, floors, wall structures using a wide variety of building materials. But, it should be noted that it is a mixture of shavings, sawdust and slag that is considered super economical, if necessary, make the insulation of a building structure of a very different type. Of course, the use of this material as a heater in the twenty-first century may look primitive, but one should not forget about their following qualities - it is an environmentally friendly product, without all kinds of impurities and additives, which has good sound and heat insulation to all this.
Sawdust is often used in the construction of household and residential structures, and more specifically - for insulation of ceilings. One can talk endlessly about the positive and negative aspects of this method. But be that as it may, builders have been using this method for a long time, because they perfectly understand that thanks to it they will achieve excellent thermal insulation. Of course, this option requires certain rules to be followed.
Features of use
To begin with, sawdust is mixed with other components, poured into areas with difficult access and then tamped. Thus, a wood block of the desired shape with special qualities is obtained.
To create thermal insulation in the house, use material prepared in a special way. First of all, it is treated with an antiseptic, then it is well dried (until completely dry) and mixed with lime. The last element perfectly protects the thermal insulation system from possible insects and pests.
In places with difficult access, where it is very difficult to use a different type of insulation, sawdust without impurities (attics, floors, walls, floors) is used.
What threatens the use of unprepared material
Sawdust, which has not undergone antiseptic processing and to which no impurities have been added, has two significant drawbacks: clean, dried sawdust is very flammable, rodents are planted in them. Therefore, before starting work, lime, cement or gypsum should be added to them, and then wetted with an antiseptic solution. The resulting mass will not ignite, and the rodents will keep clear of it.
We warm the house with sawdust with our own hands
An ideal place to use sawdust as a heater is a one-story house. If you decide to make a heater from sawdust with your own hands, then you will need:
- watering can
- cement
- shovel or mixer
- sawdust
- lime
- boric acid or copper sulfate, for the implementation of antiseptic treatment
- mixing bowl
The required layer thickness directly depends on local climatic conditions and the functions assigned to this, insulated room. If you plan to stay in the building under construction only in the summer, warm season, then the insulation layer thickness of 25 cm is enough for the ceiling, and 15 cm for the walls. If there are plans for year-round living in this house, the layer thickness must be made about 30 see. For the correct completion of this task, racks should be added to the main frame, which will create an additional place for backfill.
Those parts where electric wires and pipes for smoke exit pass are insulated with non-flammable materials. It will be more profitable and more convenient if you hide electric wires in metal three-millimeter pipes. Places with an increased risk of flammability - sockets, switches, heating wiring. need to be overlaid with materials that are not flammable.
There is no sense in the elements of vapor barrier - the cement in the solution absorbs excess moisture, and the block of wood will become much stronger. Freshly prepared sawdust contains substances that impede the contact of water and cement, so the solution may not work. It is not difficult to solve this problem, it is enough to let them stand for two months, or to wet them a little with a solution of water glass.
Sawdust with cement as a heater - the rules for quality insulation
To prepare the mixture for filling, you need to take - 10 buckets of sawdust, 1 part of cement, 1 part of lime. Mix everything well. In this process, sawdust is well enveloped and impregnated with cement and lime. Then they take a garden watering can, dilute in it in the correct proportion an antiseptic with water and spray it over the resulting early mixture.
Mix well again. Then try squeezing the lump of the mixture with your hand. The lump does not crumble, water does not stand out from it? Great, the mixture is prepared!
The next step will be layer-by-layer tampering of the mixture. In not less than two weeks, the blocks from the sawdust will dry and be completely ready. The room where this work was done should be constantly aired. After two weeks, you should carefully inspect the poured areas. Drying can result in wasteland that should be filled in the same way as originally.
Warm plaster - we use clay and sawdust as a heater
Plaster is also made of wood sawdust. They are taken as a basis, then clay, water, cement and newsprint are added. Such warm plaster is used for indoor work. Also, from this mixture, you can make plates of the desired shape and size, compact well and let them dry. Then use as a good thermal insulation material.
Sawdust as a floor heater
To date, sawdust in its natural form (without impurities) is not used, since this material flashes quite easily and burns well, but taking this material as a basis, produce a variety of heaters: wood concrete, sawdust pellets, ecowool.
It can be insulated with ecowool manually or by spraying. Working with it, in any case, you will have to turn to an experienced specialist - you will need a device that will blow ecowool. Buying such an apparatus for single use is not profitable. If you do it manually, then the material consumption will increase by almost two.
For places where the thermometer readings in winter do not exceed -20 degrees C, the layer thickness should not be less than 15 cm. In areas where there are lower temperatures - for every 5 degrees, at least 4 cm of insulation layer thickness should be added.
Particleboard material characteristics
It should be noted that the chipboard material is produced only on the basis of sawdust. This material makes it possible to warm the floor initially, without additional preparation - it is enough to level the soil, and then lay the plastic film.
The next step is laying the plates on polyethylene. Consequently, chipboard will be both a heater and a finish coating option. This material is quite simply fastened with dowels, anchors, and other fasteners.
Particleboard is advised not to be used as the final version of the coating in rooms with high humidity: in garages, cellars, etc. - it will absorb moisture and change its appearance and shape. When using chipboard basement, where the material is not threatened by a large load, it can be glued with building glue or molten bitumen. Putting such a heater with a double layer, it is possible to increase the average temperature and stop the appearance of dampness.
Sawdust with lime as a wall insulation
In order to insulate partitions and walls, it is necessary to prepare the following mixture:
clean and dried sawdust should be mixed with lime in the following ratio - lime one part, sawdust 10 parts (instead of lime you can use gypsum, but then in the proportion of gypsum one part, and sawdust eight parts). The prepared mixture is sprayed with an antiseptic solution (25 g per 1 bucket of water), poured into the walls and rammed. With this treatment, sawdust will not sag, and antiseptic impregnation will reliably protect against the appearance and reproduction of pests.
Blocks of wood sawdust is not difficult to make yourself. For their manufacture, copper sulfate, sawdust and cement will be required. To begin with, they are moistened with a solution of copper sulfate, then mixed with cement in a proportion of 10 parts of sawdust, 1 part of cement. Such an amount of cement will be enough for a uniform coating of chips. It is easy to determine the amount of water needed - just take a lump of the finished mixture and see if it disintegrates, if not, there is plenty of water. To the touch, the resulting mixture should be slightly moist, but no liquid should be released from it when squeezed.
The prepared mixture is laid out on the walls, floors and ramps. It is important to compact well after each layer of backfill. Subsequently, the shrinkage of the insulation will depend on this thoroughness. Upon contact with wet sawdust, cement, due to its properties, instantly begins to set, forming a block. When the drying process ends, a reliable and hard formation is obtained, which is not amenable to deformation under load and pressure.
We warm the ceiling with sawdust
This process should be taken very seriously, since about 25% of the total heat is lost through the ceiling. Using sawdust as a heater of a ceiling, you will manage to save a tidy sum of money.
The first step in the process is to cover the draft ceiling with a glassine. Ceiling boards need to be treated with a fireproof mixture. Then the sawdust is combined with a water-cement mortar, 10 to 1. The mixture is laid out and rammed between the beams, a layer of 2 cm. The best time of the year for this work is summer. Thanks to the summer heat, the resulting layer dries faster and better.