Spring work in the garden, tree pruning, pest treatment, top dressing, protecting the garden from frost
Spring day feeds the year, how accurately the importance of every fine day is noted in this proverb! In fact, the lion's share of the total agricultural work in the garden and in the garden is occupied precisely by spring chores, proper work on preparing the soil, planting, cultivating and fertilizing is the key to obtaining a high yield of berries, fruits, vegetables.
The onset of warm days is a signal that it is time to go to the site, view the condition of trees and shrubs, determine the amount of work and plan the order of their implementation.
- Spring work in the garden and in the garden video
- When to treat a garden from pests and diseases
- Mechanical type of pest protection - hunting belts
- Is it possible to mix garden treatment
- Spring pruning garden video
- Vaccinations
- How and when to spring feed the garden
- Getting ready to protect the garden from spring frost
Spring work in the garden and in the garden
In order not to miss anything, it is recommended to draw up a plan in advance, perhaps - based on our own experience gained earlier, it will not be superfluous to read books on gardening or use information from Internet sites.
When planning, you should not forget about the features of the area of \u200b\u200byour residence, climatic conditions, and most importantly - the need to comply with agricultural practices of growing each of the garden crops. First of all, we pay attention to centenarians - fruit and decorative trees.
tree care in march
It will be necessary to take measures to prevent the appearance of an ice crust on branches. For such work, experienced gardeners use forks, they will not cause much harm to young branches.
To accelerate the melting of snow, you can, after active snowfall, dust the branches with dust from wood ash. Its layer is also applied to the trunk circle. Dark snow will melt much faster.
is snow accumulation useful
Fears that unstable spring weather and the long-term threat of night frosts will harm the trees, some gardeners have resorted to the method of accumulating snow. It consists in the fact that a thick layer of snow is poured under the tree, which is covered with sawdust.
Such actions reduce the speed of snow melting, supercooled soil slows down the process of tree awakening. The shift of the growing season leads to the fact that flowering occurs later, when the threat of a drop in temperature below zero has already disappeared.
But biologists do not recommend using this technique - a violation of the natural cycle of development and interference with natural processes ultimately lead to premature death of the plant.
whitewashing trees in spring
Although it is more advisable to do whitewashing of trees in autumn, but if necessary, if there is a violation of the whitewash layer, or a change in its color to darker, the procedure will need to be repeated in the spring.
For the treatment of tree trunks, special paint, chalk, lime is used; to improve adhesion, it is recommended to add natural casein glue to the whitewash mixture. To give disinfecting properties - copper sulfate. It is recommended to apply paint in two layers.
When to treat a garden from pests and diseases
A very important point is the protection of the garden from pests. With the onset of spring heat, they begin to conduct more active actions, i.e. to harm the plant itself and the future crop.
It is advisable to make the first treatment of the garden before the buds begin to swell. To treat sleeping trees, you can use any pesticides. For preventive purposes, branches and trunks are sprayed.
If a special insect invasion was not observed, then processing can be performed with copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, urea. Prepare solutions for processing should be strictly according to the instructions attached to the packaging of each of the funds.
To prevent fungal diseases, for example - scab, cocomycosis, moniliosis, curly, you will need a two percent solution of Bordeaux fluid.
The air temperature during spraying should be above 0 C, preferably +4 +5 C.
Serious damage to plants by harmful insects will require the use of Fufanol or Fitoverm, dissolve the preparations, again, according to the instructions.
Recall the features of the bio-pesticide Fitoverm. It will take 5 days to destroy the drug, Fufanol acts a little longer for 10 days. Since the process of formation of young insects from larvae lasts longer, it will not be possible to eliminate the threat of damage to trees by a single treatment with such means. Triple treatment of trees and shrubs is recommended.
The drugs are classified as dangerous to humans, but unfortunately they can not penetrate into the plants and continue to fight pests for a long time. For example, in order to defeat the kidney currant ticks, it will be necessary to track the moment of their migration to new kidneys from last year and during this period to process.
All cracks and wounds found on the bark should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate, then - garden var.
The occurrence of fungal diseases will prevent the treatment of trees with 5% urea solution.
The appearance of red-brown spots with black dots on the cortex means damage to cytosporoses. Damage to the branches will need to be removed to a healthy tissue. If thin and weak branches are affected, it is desirable to cut them off completely.
when to treat a garden from diseases
This question arises quite often. Which is not surprising, because the treatments are carried out in several stages, the preparations for each treatment are also selected different.
Before budding, processing is performed from:
- bark beetle
- sapwood
- cytosporosis
- cancer, black and ordinary
- fungus mushroom
During the period when the buds turn into green cones, the garden protects against:
- apple Blossom
- aphids
- pear
- geese
You can use Decis, Karbofos, Kinmiks.
Trees will be protected from fungal ailments by Skor and Strobi preparations.
In the period of pink buds, trees are threatened with the development of scab, bacterial cancer, and rust. Effective treatments are performed using Bi-58, Actara, Decis, Bordeaux fluid.
At the beginning of flowering, gray rot and powdery mildew, kleasterosporiosis, curliness and coccomycosis can be added to the defeat by scab and rust. Those. before flowering, it is desirable to carry out preventive treatment. With a severe disease defeat, flowering may not cause ovary.
At the very beginning of flowering, or before it, you can apply Karbofos 500, Gamair, Agat-25, Horus.
After flowering and before the fruit ripens, most often the trees suffer from:
- scabs
- moniliosis
- alternariosis
- powdery mildew
In the same period, ticks, scutes, leafworms, moths, caterpillars begin to behave more actively.
In order to rid the plant of pests and diseases, it is recommended to apply spraying with the following means:
- Fufanon
- Chorus
- Abiga Peak
- Gamair
- Lepidocide
- Fitoverm
In order not to make a mistake in choosing a drug, you should carefully study its instructions, use it exclusively for its intended purpose and in appropriate dosages.
Mechanical type of pest protection - hunting belts
With the beginning of bud blooming and the appearance of buds, a real threat to the future crop can be:
caterpillars of leaf moths, moths, moths, apple tartar
- aphid larvae
- apple bee
Since all of the above insects are in the stage of larvae, they cannot fly. But they move up the tree trunk at a fairly high speed. Mounted hunting belts on tree trunks will serve as a serious obstacle for them.
To make such a trap you will need:
- a strip of soft cardboard thickly greased with glue
- cord for attaching it to the trunk
The cotton belt on the top of the tree trunk works well - beetles cannot overcome it.
You can notice the appearance of apple flower beetle by the appearance of black dots on the kidneys, they are similar to injections of a large needle.
Is it possible to mix garden treatment
Since protection against pests, all kinds of diseases and additional nutrition is equally important for plants, gardeners often have a question. Is it possible to carry out complex processing of trees. It is very important to know which preparations can be mixed in one tank.
The advantages of such use of chemicals are obvious, because not one toxic chemical, but several acts on each causative agent of the disease or on each pest. The mixtures obtained have a beneficial effect on plants, stimulating their growth and development, combined mixtures help plants develop a stable immunity to various diseases. Plants become more resistant to stress and pests.
It will not be superfluous to take into account the rules for preparing tank mixtures:
- each component of the mixture is diluted with water in a separate container, a little water is taken
- 5 liters of clean water are collected in a larger bucket
- in turn, dissolved drugs are added to the total container, mixed thoroughly
- bring the total volume of the mixture to 10 l gradually adding pure water
- once again everything is mixed
To prepare the tank mixture, half portions of the insecticides from those specified in the instructions are used.
In the first place, powdered products are diluted and added to the total capacity, then solutions of liquid toxic chemicals or emulsions are prepared. The mixture is enriched with biofungicides and stimulants. For those who have not previously been engaged in such work, it is advisable to watch a video with the recommendations of experienced people, study the recipes of the mixtures and the procedure for their preparation, be sure to read the instructions for each of the chemicals used.
To spray the trees in spring, you can prepare a composition that will include:
- Aktara
- Zircon
- Topaz
Such a mixture will help the plant cope with both pests and diseases.
To process grapes in spring, you can prepare such a tank mixture:
- Albite
- Topaz
- Ridomil Gold
Spraying during the appearance of 6-8 sheets is carried out with a mixture of Albit biofungicide and Ordan fertilizer.
So far, the buds have not begun to bloom. Trees can be treated with a composition of
Fufanone and Copper Chloride.
Before flowering, the trees are treated with a mixture of water and:
- Planriza
- Actofita
- Trichodermine
- Pentaphage
- Bitoxibacillin
In order to provide protection against aphids and strengthen the stress resistance of plants, the mixture is additionally introduced:
- 40 ecoberin granules
- 40 Green Garden Pellets
This composition will also accelerate the growth of young trees.
What means can be used for mixed gardening?
It can be:
- live biologics
- growth stimulants
- fertilizers
growth stimulants
But when mixing, you should observe how the solution is transformed - the appearance of flakes or sediment means that something went wrong, you can not use such solutions. They can be harmful not only to plants, but also to people.
Unfortunately, the effect can be subtle; in order not to be mistaken, carefully choose means for complex processing. It is preliminary recommended that you study the instructions for each of the drugs used.
We clarify which of the drugs is not recommended to be mixed:
- preparations containing boron - with lime
- products containing boron or sulfur - with oily liquids
- alkaline reaction products - with organophosphorus compounds
- substances with alkaline and acid reactions
- sulfur-or phosphorus-containing solutions - with calcium preparations
- products containing zinc, iron, boron, magnesium - with pesticides
- the amount of growth stimulants should be accurately dosed; their excess can act on plants depressingly
To get the maximum possible positive effect from mixed sprayings, you must follow these rules:
- the weather on the day of processing the tree should be calm, dry, temperature - positive
- use the tank mixture on the day of its preparation
- it is better to use funds that are in the State Register, with detailed instructions for use
Spring pruning garden
An important point of spring tree care is their proper pruning.
This procedure is divided into several types:
- Adult plants undergo supporting pruning, designed to increase fertility and preserve the crown.
- Young plants require forming scraps, giving the crown an attractive appearance and compactness, stimulating fruit formation. It can be performed until the beginning of May.
- Regulatory pruning is carried out simultaneously with support, it is intended to control the loads on the branches during the period of abundant fruiting.
- The old garden is subjected to anti-aging pruning, they stimulate the fruiting process.
- To remove all frost-bitten and winter-damaged branches, regenerative pruning is used, too branching plants are subjected to it.
The best time to get vaccinated is April. Use as graft or purchased material of your favorite varieties, or make the cuttings yourself, at the beginning of winter. If the winter was mild, then the graft can be prepared with the onset of spring.
Vaccination work begins in April, when the sap flow in plants is fully restored. But the grafting material should be stored in the refrigerator, you can not allow the leaves on it to begin to bloom. Also, cuttings should not be allowed to dry out, i.e. they should be wrapped in a damp rag, or placed in a bag.
First of all, plums, cherries, cherries are inoculated, i.e. stone plants. Then they begin to pome seeds, pears and apple trees, the movement of their juices begins a little later.
Vaccinations are carried out by the following methods:
- in side section
- splintered
- under the rootstock bark
Re-grafting of trees is also carried out in the spring, but it should be planned for several years, performed in stages. The best option is for 3 years.
How and when to spring feed the garden
Fertilizing in the spring involves the use of minerals or organics. As organic, you can use chicken droppings, it is introduced into the trunk circle. Suitable for fertilizing apples and plums, pears and cherries, peaches and quinces. Organic fertilizers will increase the yield of cherry trees and apricots.
Before making chicken manure must be diluted in water, fresh undiluted manure can cause root burns.
10 kg of water take 1 kg of dry fertilizer, leave to ferment for 2-3 days, then mix thoroughly. The fertilizer product is ready.
As fertilizer, you can use manure or compost. Manure should be used rotted, it should not be bred in water. Compost and manure can be applied under decorative trees, as well as pears and apple trees.
Getting ready to protect the garden from spring frost
Unfortunately, often the active flowering of fruit trees occurs on days when nature brings unexpected and unpleasant surprises, in the form of frosts. You can save the crop, but you should prepare for this scenario.
The critical temperature is considered - 4 C, this is the temperature of the death of buds on fruit trees. But even - 1C can cause damage to the ovaries, and - 2C can destroy blooming flowers.
More protected are those territories that are located on the shore of a reservoir. If the garden grows in the open, he will need protection. It must be remembered that the dry and loose soil cools with greater speed. Dense and moist keeps the heat longer.
The easiest protection option is smoke or fumigation. It consists in the fact that bonfires of moist garbage and leaves are made on the territory of the garden, if necessary, they sprinkle burning heaps of turf, the main task is to get prolonged smoke, the more smoke - the better. Fumigation is pumped in an hour and a half after the sun rises.
If there is a threat of lowering the temperature to - 4C, it is more rational to use smoke bombs. They wrap trees with paraffin pairs, which provides reliable protection to flowers, buds, already formed ovaries.
A positive effect can be obtained from abundant watering the garden. Sometimes they resort to placing containers filled with water near trees. Although the process is quite laborious, it is attractive because water tanks can be arranged once, and they will work at the moment you need it, i.e. with a strong decrease in temperature.
During the onset of spring heat, you will also need to take care of lawns and lawns. Beautiful grass on them will delight your eyes throughout the coming summer.