Ornamental and medicinal plants on the site. Buddley: general description, cultivation and care
The main difference between the buddley is its beautiful, fragrant inflorescences resembling lilac brushes. From July to September, while the buddley blooms, all the famous pollinators of nature, including bright butterflies, will visit your garden. The plant is not demanding in cultivation, it has no enemies among insects and diseases, the choice of color and varieties is huge, and the bush brings many benefits to humans. How to grow a buddha without much trouble? Check out our recommendations.
- Origin
- Popular types of buddley
- Shrub buddley cultivation
- Buddley landing care. Video
- Care
- The benefits to humans
Buddley comes from Asia (China). In the natural environment, the shrub is found in England, Belgium and France, where the plant can be seen on wastelands and along railway embankments. The main growth of shrubs in nature is more common in Southeast Asia and South America. In our climate, a buddha without the help of a gardener rarely survives, since our winters are very cold.
Popular types of buddley
All types of buddley are not so easy to list, in the world there are a lot of them, they differ in the color of inflorescences, the height and width of the bush, and resistance to frost. The most famous types of shrubs are buddley david, spherical buddley, buddley and buddha weyr (hybrid from buddleya spherical and David). Different types of shrubs have common features, although they differ in some details.
Buddley david grows up to two meters high, inflorescences up to 40 cm in length. The species has many varieties differing in the size of the bush and the color of the inflorescences. Varieties Buddley David Royal Red and Sontana bloom dark pink flowers (buddley purple), shrubs reach three meters in height. Impayer Blue and Black knightbloom in blue or purple, the bush is a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. Grade White Professional differs in white inflorescences, the average height of the bush is 1.5 m.
Buddley less stable species for our climate, since the root system is on the surface of the soil, cultivation is possible only with the right approach. A shrub up to three meters high pleases with abundant blooming of light purple brushes only when planting in a sunny and sheltered from the wind place. If this species is frostbite, it will bloom rarely, needs good shelter for the winter.
Buddley Weyr and spherical buddley just like leaf not resistant to winter frosts and require shelter. Bush buddha weyr blooms in yellow or orange inflorescences 20 cm in length.
Shrub buddley cultivation
Buddley grows on any soil except acidic and marshy. But, despite the apparent unpretentiousness in the requirements, you should know that the quality of flowering depends on the quality of the soil. The optimal place for planting a plant is fertile, drained land with a neutral pH, a sunny and windless area.
The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings. A buddlea from seeds sprouts up to 2 months and often only 40% of plants germinate, and half of the sprouts of new recruits in gardening die, as they are demanding on light and heat. For these reasons, propagation by cuttings or seedlings is preferable.
Under natural conditions, the buddha shrub reaches five meters in height, in our climate, the shrub, even if it is not pruned, will not be higher than three meters. You must admit that such a rather large plant may require enough space for development, at least provide the bush with freedom of one meter on each side.
Buddley often blooms in the year of planting; most species begin to bloom in July and end it during the first frosts. If you are not interested in seeds, the brushes that have finished flowering should be pruned, so the bush will give even more new inflorescences.
Buddley landing care. Video
The buddha shrub is a fast-growing plant with large leaves, which means that it should receive a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. Throughout the summer during a drought, do not forget to water the plant abundantly.
Once the shrub has finished the flowering period, it can be fertilized with potassium salt at a dose of 0.5 kg per 10 square meters. m and powder superphosphate 0.3 kg on 10 sq.m. The second top dressing is made in the spring.
A buddlea withstands frosts down to -20 C, but in a colder winter the shrub can die. To prevent frost damage to the branches, they are pruned, cutting the plant to 5-10 cm. Buddle and the area around it is covered with a layer of fallen leaves, bark or compost (in the case of compost, the thickness should be at least 30 cm). In spring, shoots also need to be cut, leaving 10-20 cm above the ground. This procedure positively affects the number of flowers.
Buddley is not susceptible to disease, the only pest for a plant among insects is aphid. Spray the plant only if you notice the appearance of an intruder.
The benefits to humans
Buddley is not only an ornamental plant, but also a medicinal one. For example, South Americans used the buddha as an analgesic, antirheumatic, hemostatic, and antidiarrheal drug. In Madagascar, asthma and bronchitis were treated with a buddley. At home, plants in China, with the help of infusions, accelerated the healing of wounds and ulcers, infusions of leaves brought relief in liver diseases, and infusions of buddha flowers helped in the treatment of conjunctivitis.
At present, the buddley extract is used in medicine as natural paracetamol, an antipyretic and analgesic, and the extract also has protective SPF properties and is actively used in the fight against skin aging.
Known facts are not only about the healing properties of the plant. The buddley leaves and flowers contain saponins - natural detergents, due to which they have been successfully used as a substitute for soap.